❁Chapter Two❁

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" I'm detecting some strange activity all around the Urbranian solar system." Pidge said trying to figure out the anomalies popping out on her scanner.

"What's new." Lance said slouching on the couch."It's probably Galra related!"

"When is it never Galra related?" Keith shouted.

"Whatever! Do we know what it is?" Lance asked.

" Not yet. We can send a drone to check it out! What do you think Shiro?" Pidge said, as all the paladins turned to face him.

"Send one in. We can't go out there ourselves." Shiro said as Pidge was setting the drone with commands. Within minutes, the drone looked like another spot of cosmic dust in the sky.

The drone began to slowly approach the Urbranian system. Pidge had installed newly made cameras that could not be harmed by the atmosphere.

"So what is the camera showing us?"Hunk said hovering over Pidge's seat.
"This is weird! It's just a pod literally vacuuming the quintessence around it."

"Fascinating! It seems to be powering something inside the pod." Pidge said as she fixed her glasses.

"Something that's probably not good for us. What if it's a weapon? Oh dear. How can we see what inside it?" Hunk said as she was trying not to panic.

"Perhaps a sonar map?! Or an x-ray?!" Pidge said offering suggestions.

"My lion has a sonar map!? Maybe I can scan it?!" Lance said.

"Can we risk having the blue lion out there?" Keith asked Shiro.

"We have to be smart about this but, whatever the Galra is planning we need to know! Pidge, bring the drone back in. Lance keep the lion within a close distance!" Shiro turned around to look at the screen showing the footage from the drone.

Lance headed to the hangar where his lion was located. He got inside his lion and flew out of the castle. He stayed within close distance of the castle. Sonar waves began flowing through space, scanning the stars around them and the pod.

"Guys! This is freaky!" Lance said widening his eyes.

"What is it Lance?! What's inside the pod?." Shiro asked.

"It's a girl!"

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