Nine years later
The bell rings as I walk outside. I see sam look over. His eyes widen as dad pulls up. I smile and go over to him. Dad gets out in his holoform and takes my bag from me. "Hey dad." I smile. "How was your day?" Dad asks. "It was alright." I say. Dad smiles and sets my bag in the trunk. Then freezes. A semi pulls up into the parking lot and a man steps out. The mans blue eyes lock on dad. The man narrows his eyes. "Dad are you alright?" I asks entity putting my hand on his arm. Dad nods and breath deeply before shutting his trunk. "I'm fine sparkling." Dad says hugging me close. I nod and rest my head on dad's shoulder. Dad gently runs his holoform fingers through my hair. "We should go. I can't fight prime off today." Dad whispers. I nod and grip his hand gently. I give it a gentle squeeze before getting into the back of dad's alt mode. Dad gets in and starts driving. Prime follows and keeps close to us. "Dad." I say. "I know sparkling." Dad says. After a while we get to our house and dad gets out in his holoform. I get out as well. Prime pulls up close as the other autobots can be seen behind him. I whimper and bury my face in dad's holoform chest. Dad shushes me gently and says "I won't let them hurt you sparkling." I nod and grip dad's hand. Dad deactivates his holoform before transforming. Dad gently scoops me up and sets me on his shoulder. "Barricade. Why do you have a human with you!" Ironhide growls. "I protect her." Dad says meeting my eyes. "Is this true child?" Prime asks. I look at dad who nods. "Yes. Dad saved me. And in return I saved him. He's the closest thing I have to a father." I say gently stroking dad's face plates. Dad gives me a soft smile. "He's a decepticon. He doesn't save you human. He kills you. Why he has not killed you I do not know. It is only a matter of time before he takes you to megatron and kills you." Ironhide says. "Your lying. Dad has change. Who he once was doesn't matter anymore. He's a good mech now." I say. Dad chuckles softly and gently strokes my hair. "And if he's not?" Optimus asks. "Then he'll deal with me." I say making dad laugh. Ironhide scoffs and keeps his cannons on dad. Dad shields me from he cannons making me smile. Optimus seems to think about this and sighs. "You will have once chance barricade. Should you betray us you will pay the price." Optimus says. "I understand prime." Dad says. Prime nods while ironhide growls. "We will be watching." Optimus says before transforming. The other autobots follow and drive away. I kiss dad's cheek plate gently. "Im proud of you dad." I say. Dad smiles and transforms down. He steps out in his holoform and hugs me. "Thank you sparkling." Dad whispers gently stroking my hair. I smile and hug dad tightly before letting go of him and leading him inside. We snuggle up on the couch and I put on a movie. Dad drawls a blanket over me as my eyes droop. He gently runs his fingers through my hair and places a kiss on my head. "I don't think it was an accident that I found you all those years ago sparkling. I now think that it was meant to happen." Dad says making me giggle. "Your turning into prime." I tease. Dad gently glares at me before tickling me mercilessly. I squeal and laugh as dad does this. "Take it back!" Dad says. "Haha... Never!" I laugh. Dad tickles me harder. "Take it back fire heart." Dad says. "Haha... Haha... Ok!" I say laughing. Dad smirks and stops before leaning his head back and stroking my hair.