Chapter 7

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Turns out iron hide beat the shit put of Jameson. He was in critalcal condition. I walk with dad down to his room. Jameson was chained to his bed. When he sees me he starts struggling violently. "You bitch!" He shouts. I ignore him and thow the DNA file at him. "What's this shit?" He growls. "Turns put your not my real father. DNA test results prove it." I say. Jameson growls and reads the file. His eyes widen. "That's not possible!" He says. "It is. When my mother broke up with dad she started dating you. She found out she was pregnant with me and to protect me she lied and said I was yours." I say smirking. Jameson growls and lunges at me but dad pulls me back. "You will never touch my daughter again. And if you even try I will tear you to pieces!" Dad growls. Jameson eyes widen. He laughs. "Your that freaks father. How pathetic." He laughs. Bad idea. Dad lunges and starts punching Jameson as hard as he can. I grab dad's arm. "Dad please. Stop. Your scaring me." I whimper. Dad stops and turns to me. Tears threatened to leave my eyes. "I'm sorry sparkling." Dad says pulling me into his arms. Dad rocks me gently. Jameson laughs agin and dad growls. I place my hand on his cheek. "Enough dad. It's my turn." I say before breaking Jameson's jaw. He cries out in pain. "That's my girl." Dad says. I smile and kiss dad's cheek before keading him out. I inform the medic of Jameson's broken jaw before dad tales me to room. Dad pulls me close to his chest and rubs my back gently. "I'm sorry sparkling. I didn't mean to scare you." Dad says his tone laced with guilt. " it's ok dad." I whisper into his chest. Dad strokes my hair then kisses my head. "I'll never lose this dad. I promise." I whisper. Dad chuckles and my necklace glows. "I know sparkling. How- how did she die?" Dad asks. I sigh. "Cancer, dad. There was nothing that could have been done." I sigh. Dad nods hugging me tighter. "I'm sorry fire." Dad whispers. "It's ok dad." I whisper. Dad gently runs his fingers though my hair and hugs me close. "Come on dad. Legs go home." I say. Dad nods and I walk out to his alt mode. I climb in and dad takes off. I noticed his con Symbol was gone and an autobot symbol replaced it. I gently rub my thumb over it. "Like it?" Dad asks. "I do dad. It's nice." I say. Dad chuckles and the cab shakes with his laughter. Dad pulls into the drive way and I get out. "Come on you" dad smiles leading me inside. I can't help but laugh. "You act and talk so much like a human dad." I laugh. Dad gently glares at me before poking my side. I laugh and slap his hand away. "Dad stop it!" I laugh. Dad smiles and hugs me tightly. I rest my head on his chest and grip him tightly. "I love you dad." I whisper. "I love you to sparkling." Dad whispers. I gently kiss dad's cheek and smile. "I want you to take it easy for a while ok fire?" Dad asks. "Ok dad. I'll be fine." I say. Dad sighs. "No. You'll be a lot stronger now and faster." Dad says. I nod and rest my head on his chest. "C-C-C-a-a-a-d-e?" Comes a voice. Dad snaps his head up and growls shielding me. " frenzy what are you ding here!" Dad growls. I turn to see a small bot. "M-M-M-i-s-s-e-d y-y-o-u." The bot says eying me. I kneel down. The bot hisses at me and dad growls. "It's ok dad. Come here. I won't hurt you. Maybe I can fix your voice box." I say. The bot slowly comes over. I look at its voice box and see some wires. I fox them and pop it back in. "How's that?" I ask. "Better..." He says. "Dad whose this?" I ask. Dad sighs. "The friend I told you about." He says. I shake frenzys hand. "Cade protect human?" Frenzy asks. Dad smiles and pulls me into his arms. "She is my sparkling." Dad says. Frenzys eyes widen. "Sparkling?" He asks. Dad nods. "Yes." Dad says. Frenzy gives dad a look before walking off. I laugh and kiss dad's cheek minding his scratch. "I see it now. You are so much like her." Dad says. I smile. "Thanks dad." I say. "Fire I want you to promise me. If you see starscream or megatron you'll fight. You'll run. You'll do everything you can to live." Dad sys his tone laced with worry and dead. "I will dad. I promise." I say. Dad nods and kisses my head. I smile and hug dad tighter. "I love you dad." I yawn curling up in dad's arms. Dad smiles and runs his fingers through my hair. "I love you to my sparkling. And I will never let anything hurt you again." Dad whispers. I smile and sit down with dad on the couch. "Ok dad." I whisper. Dad laughs and pulls a blanket over me. Then gently rubs my back. I smile before slowly closing my eyes.

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