21; 'Sweaty, Stinky, Sticky'

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The past week had gone by extremely fast, but I had been super busy trying to balance work and school, then also balancing Liam and Paige with Blake. It had been alright though, because I had somehow managed to make time for everything and please everyone.

Now it's Saturday and Liam, Paige, and I are all sat in my room, watching some movie that Liam said that he desperately wanted to see, but is still yet to watch is as he's too engrossed by his phone.

"How about show and tell then," I mutter, nudging Liam's shoulder repeatedly. I knew if I was annoying enough he would crack and either share his information or put his phone down and watch TV or speak to us.

"Just tell her," Paige says, rolling her eyes when Liam gives her his best 'I'm mad but not too mad' glare, which only made him look constipated.

"Tell me what?" I ask, my curiosity peaking. I pause the movie and look between my two best friends. They were sat at the bottom of my bed, curled together under blankets as I sprawl across the bed, alone. How I do love being the third wheel now.

"We're going to a party tonight," Liam huffs, not looking at me as he mumbles the words out.

"I am, am I?" I chuckle, grinning cheekily at him. "Okay," I say, shrugging nonchalantly.

"What, seriously?" Both Liam and Piage ask, their voices travelling in perfect timing together.

"Yeah, why not," I shrug, trying to hide my smile as I scroll through my messages to Blake. He'd asked me last night if I would go with him and after a million texts and emoji's I finally agreed to go to the party.

"Who are you?" Liam asks, jumping to his feet. "What have you done with Zoey?" He gasps, taking steps away from the bed.

"Oh, Liam, you will forever be the best drama queen I know," I say, Paige and I laughing at Liam's antics.

"But seriously, you're cool with tonight?" Paige asks seriously, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I decide that it was time to come clean to them. "Blake told me about it last night and gave me even less of an option than you guys would have, so there. That's why I'm going," I say, nodding. "I would have been happy to be forced by you guys, obviously, but someone else is beating you at your job," I state, tutting them for failing.

"I told you we should have told her yesterday!" Is Paige's response as she hits Liam's leg. She's still on the floor, whereas Liam is still stood from his dramatic antics.

"Don't blame me!" He cries out, stepping back to avoid another hit from Paige.

I can't help but laugh at the two of them. "Now, now. No domestics, please," I tease, chuckling as both blush a little. They're still getting used to the whole 'together together' thing, but they're doing well and I'm proud of my match making skills.

"Out," Paige then instructs Liam out of nowhere. We both look at each other confused as Paige points to the bedroom door. "It isn't very often Zoe leaves her cave, I want he to dazzle Blake tonight and I don't want her to recognize herself so shoo while I have fun," Paige explains, crossing her arms over her chest, a little whine in her voice.

I pretend to look offended but now it isn't going to work against her. "Fine," Liam mumbles. Paige smiles widely and pecks him on the lips before pushing him out of the door. "Be good!" Liam calls and Paige slams the door in his face, locking it in case anyone were to walk in on our barbie make over session.

"What time is Blake picking you up?" Paige asks as she ushers me to the bathroom, pushing me inside with force you wouldn't believe she had. It was more no one else would believe, you know, with me being shorter than nearly everyone.

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