Chapter 6 ~Katniss~

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  Green is everywhere I look. Tall trees, birds chirping, and the lake. It glistens from the sun beaming down on us. It all reminds me of the two girls that I loved so much, Prim and Rue. I try to not think of them unless I am here. When I am here, I think of the best aspects of them. If Iever think of them when I am not here, the thoughts tend to be sparked by blood or the weapons that killed them. Thankfully Peeta is around most of the time to help me.

  As soon as I turn to Peeta, I can see that he is smiling. I can see the shine in his eyes and know that he thinks the meadow is as beautiful as I o. I can even see that he is itching for a paint brush to paint a canvas with the colors that surround us. I smile at the thought; he looks at me as I do; he smiles even wider.

  I walk toward Peeta. He holds his arms open to cradle me. He smells like bread and frosting.

  We sit down on the silk like grass and are silent. It isn't the silent that is awkward. We are both soaking in the beauty of the meadow we sit upon. I haven't been here in a while. I remember it being beautiful, but i forgot how beautiful. The last time I had visted this place was the day I returned to District 12 with Haymitch. It was afteer I killed President Coin instead of President Snow, though it is believed he died either choking when he was laughing at what I had done, or being trampled by many people.

  Peeta gave me a soft look and said, "I never understood why you loved it here so much. From a distance I couldn't see any of this beauty," He smiles; then his smile changes to a pity filled expression. It reminds you of them, doesn't it?"

  "Yes," I say. "But only the good thoughts. I don't like thinking about their deaths. I know they don't want me to remember them as dead, and if this meadow provoced those thoughts, I wouldn't ever com here."

 "I see," he says as nice as possible. He looks at me as if I were a project that was improving, a look he doesn't usually give me.

  "Peeta, are you alright?"

  "Huh?" he questions. "Oh, um, yes. Well, at least I think so. Why ask?"

  "Peeta, you do not look okay."

  His eyes darken from the beautiful blue that they always are. They turn to an almost black color. It frightens me, and this time I know I cannot just go to Peeta and make everything better. I hate that this already happened today, and I had felt so happy I could help him with a simple kiss. This time is different.

  I hop up as if I had seen something that  would be a good kill for dinner. The only thing different is that Peeta isn't the one I want to kill. I am the one Peeta wants to kill at this very moment. He is on his feet. This is the first time I have been truly scared of Peeta since the Rebellion.

  "Peeta," I say, too quiet for him to hear. "Peeta," I say louder, but I let off that I am frightened, just to see if his expression changes.

  It doesn't.

  Peeta is rushing towards me. I am running in the opposite dirrection. I know that he can't catch up to me with half of his leg being prosthetic. I wince at the thought because it is an advantage for me but is not in anyway good towards Peeta.

  He makes a sound of frustration as I gain way in front of him. I am running through the ruins of the Hob. Once I reach Victor's Village, I know it is pointless to run to my place. I run to Haymitch's place and barge in without knocking. Surprisingly, Haymitch is not passed out drunk.

  "What's the matter, Sweetheart?" he asks. At the tone of his voice, I can tell he is almost, if not already, finished the bottle of alchohol he stole. "Can't find your arrows? Well, Sweetheart, I just arri-"

  "Peeta is after me. He is stuck in that.. phase." I say hurriedly. "Haymitch, I don't know what to do. I am scared."

  He looks at me, worry etched on his face. He stands up and walks toward me. He comes with his arms open to embrace me. Then I hear the door burst open behind me.

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