|Strangers|Markiplier x Reader|

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I let out a deep sigh, running my fingers through my soft hair. I stared up at the ceiling and let out another sigh.

"I'm so booooored..." I mumbled. I lifted myself off my bed and sat in my computer chair. I twirled around a few times before turning on the computer. I opened safari and clicked on one of my saved tabs. The letters Omegle popped up on the screen. I quickly typed 'YouTube' in the 'likes' box and started searching. I leaned over to grab my water from the window sill above my computer, not realizing the face on the screen getting a sight of my cleavage. I sat back down on my chair and took a sip of the water, only to spit it back out as the person finally said something.

I looked at my screen and studied the male in the call. He had dark red hair with a brown undercut. His dark brown eyes shined in amusement as he watched me choke on my water.

"That's one way to start a conversation" I laughed. He let out a chuckle and looked at me expectingly. My face contorted in confusion as I stared at him back.

"Uh...how's it goin?.." I said slowly. A look of surprise crosses his features.

"You..don't know who I am?.." he asked. I brought my face closer to the screen before leaning back again.

"Am I suppose to?" I snapped back. He snorted and leaned his head into the palm of his hand.

"I guess not" he said in a low voice. I smiled sweetly, realizing I sounded quite rude.

"My names (Y/n)! What's yours?" I asked. He sat up from his slumped position and smirked.

"The names Mark, it's nice to meet you, (Y/n)" he smiled. The way my name rolled off his tongue sent shivers down my spine. I coughed away my rising blush and tilted my head to the side.

"Are you some famous Youtuber or something?" I asked.

"Actually yes! I'm known as Markiplier on YouTube!" He explained. I stayed silent for a minute before smiling again.

"Cool! How many subscribers do you have?" I asked. He shrugged and leaned back in his chair.

"Not very much...only a couple million.." he mumbled. I kept my shocked face hidden as I pretended to study my nails.

"Yeah, me too" I lied, hiding my desire to laugh. He slammed his hands on the desk and stood up, bringing his face closer to the screen.

"WHAT? SERIOUSLY?!" He exclaimed. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing like a madman.

"Of course not you doof!" I laughed, wiping a tear that was falling from my eye.

He glared at me and sat back down. He pouted slightly and looked away.

"It wasn't THAT funny.." he mumbled. I giggled and wagged my finger back in forth, clicking my tongue a few times.

"It's not nice to lie Marky" I cooed. His blush spread more as he glanced back at the screen.

"Marky?" He questioned. I smiled and nodded my head.

"That's right! I've had a lot of fun talking to you! Thanks for curing my boredom!" I smiled cheekily. He gasped dramatically and wiped away a fake tear.

"So I was only being used?! How dare you?!" He spoke in false shock. I laughed again and shook my head.

"I have to go and make myself some dinner. I hope we get to talk again someday! I'll start watching your videos everyday to remind you that I'll be waiting! Bye Mark!" I waved my hand and watched as he waved back, not noticing the slightly sad look in his eyes. I shut off my computer and walked downstairs to eat.



I walked down the street, humming as I walked. I finally reached my house and unlocked the door. I stepped inside and took off my shoes and coat. I walked to my room and laid on the bed, grabbing my laptop and going into YouTube. I went to my notifications and read the title to Mark's newest video.

Mark and I have been chatting on skype for the past couple years. I've eventually developed a crush on him.

"Confession?.." I mumbled the title out loud. I clicked on the video and noticed it was only two minutes long. I intently listened to his deep voice as he spoke.

"Hey guys! I have some great news! There's this girl that I met some time ago. We started off as complete strangers. Weird right? I mean everyone should know me! I'm Markiplier!" He boasted. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Anyway, I really really like- no...I love her. She is funny, kind, and so much more then I deserve. I know that nobody is perfect but..that's exactly what she is. She's perfect! In my eyes at least..."

I had a sad smile on my face. 'This girl must be very special to him'
I sighed sadly.

"Her name is (Y/n) (L/n)..."

I widened my eyes and stared at his blushing face. My thoughts jumbled inside my head as he continued.

"(Y/n) (L/n), I love you." He said. The video ended a couple seconds after that. Tears of joy ran down my cheeks as I chuckled. I scrolled down to the comment section. I brushed off all of the negative comments and typed in my own.

'I love you too Mark'

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