VI {The Bike}

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{Shawn's POV}

Nash, Cam and I come from our last period when we hear a lot of laughing in the cafeteria. Oh no, please don't let it be Diana and the rest. I look around and see them walking away from a table...

Who's sitting on that tab...

Nvm, I already could guess it.

I see a Courtney, drowned under the coffee. It looks like she can cry every minute from right now.

"What happened?", Nash asks confused. I point towards Courtney and they both say "Oooooh...".

I need to help her.

I get some napkins from the lady behind the bar and run towards Courtney. When I'm there I help her with cleaning.

"I'm so, so, so sorry about your hoodie", she says really sad.

"It's okay, I'm gonna talk with that bitch after helping you."

"Ugh, now I smell like coffee."

"If you want, I have a reserve hoodie in my..."

"No thanks, I'm okay", she takes off the hoodie and give it to me, "I will give you the shirt later."

Then she puts her bag over her shoulder and leaves the room.

Nash and Cam are walking my way.

"Wow, never thought that our Mendes could be a real gentleman", Nash says and Cameron starts to laugh.

"Haha, what funny.", and I roll annoyed with my eyes.

The bell goes and we all go to our last periods.


Ugh, it's Friday and I have to end with 2 periods of maths... TWO FUCKING HOURS OF MATHS! I CAN'T TAKE THAT! I'm happy it's finally weekend.

I'm walking towards my car with my friends when I hear a lot of laughing from the bicycle shed.

"What is happening there?", I ask confused. "Let's see", says Cameron and he pulls us to the bike's.

When we're there I cant believe my eyes.

There's a bike hanging against the wall, there are 2 big holes in both the tires and on the wall is spelled with big letters "Payback whore."

Everyone is laughing and somewhere aside I see Courtney crying. I walk towards her, without someone noticing it.

"Court, you're okay?"

"Do I look okay you dumbass!?"

"I'm sorry, but what happened?"

"Ask your ex Diana, 100% sure she can tell you more about it."

"It's your bike, right?"

"What do you think?"

"And how are you gonna go home?"

"I don't know, I probably gonna walk."

"I can give you a lift."

"It wont help, how do I get to school Monday? I don't have a bike."

"Just buy a new one."

"I can't", she mumbles.

"Why? It takes less then a minute or something..."

"LOOK NOT EVERYONE IS AS RICH AS YOU! OKAY!? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!", and she starts to run away from school.

Oh no, what have I done...

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