Chapter One: The Start

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Mary Sue stood up out of bed, sighing as she pushed her PERFECT blonde hair down the back her body. She looked into the mirror and saw her almost glowing BEUTIFUL green orbs and already applied makeup. "Im so ugly!!!!" She cried out as she slit her own wrists.

She ran to the stairs and tripped on her flowing hair causing her to tumble down the stairs breaking both her legs, but she can still walk fine. Her mean horrible abusive parents walked in already drunk. "YOU BITCH" Her mother screamed throwing a whisky bottle at MAry Sues head. Mary Sue caught it and throw it at her father head killing him.

"YOU KILL MEH HUNNY HUBBS U BIATCCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!" Her mother yelled. Mary Sue hid scared, what had she done wrong? Mary Sue pulled out the conveniently placed knife and threw it at at her moms skull. Blood covered Mary sues clothes. "Yay I love the color red" She smiled.

Then she remember she had a brother. He walked down stairs and saw his dead parents. "Oh god, what have you done?" He whispered in fear. 

"How dare you defy me, it's my world my rules." Mary sue said.

Her brother fell to the ground sobbing. Mary sue sold him to the Mafia and watched them sell him organs  on the black market. She smiled.

Mary Sue walked to the buss and saw GliterMcSparkleVampire, the man of her dreams. She walked over  to him and he said, "oMg I lOvE yOu MaRy SuE!!!!!"

"Omg i luv u 2 even tho we just mettt!!!!!" Mary Sue responded.

"But wait" The evil alien prince said "I luv her 2!!!!"

To be continued in Chapter Two...

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