Chapter Five

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​I woke up and the first thing I said was, why? I laid there for five minutes just repeating it over and over in my head. I just didn't get it.

​Then again, there are a lot of things that I don't get. Like, why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? Why can a text message go from your phone, to outer space, and to the other person's phone in two seconds? Why are little brothers so annoying?

​I sighed, and got ready for school. I got out of bed, got dressed, dragged myself down the stairs, grabbed one of the pre-to-go container Frosted Flakes, poured milk into it, ate it, and did my normal routine in the bathroom. My mom gave me a ride to school, as always, and I met Mrs. Smith in the doorway. The morning was the same, but I knew the rest of the day would be completely different.

​The first thing I had to get through was telling Mrs. Smith how last night went, considering she always asks.

​"So, how was your night?" See?

​"Let's just say I don't want to relive it."

​She gave me a little bit of a smirk. "Drama never stops, does it?"

​Ain't that the truth? "No, it doesn't."


​I got my pink bag out of my backpack and did my best to brace myself for what I was about to go up against: Jake and Abby.

​Sure enough, I looked down the hall as I was turning the corner and saw exactly that. Jake and Abby were together, talking in a group in the middle of the hallway. They weren't linked, but close enough. I knew that I would talk to Abby at some point, but I'll let her decide that time. I went to my locker and grabbed my books for first period. I walked down the hall to say hi to Aria, careful not to make eye contact with the group in the middle of the hall. At least until one of them made eye contact with me.

​Abby. She didn't speak, but the look on her face told me I should.

​"Hey," I said.


​"Um, can I talk to you?"

​"Yeah," she said, nodding like nothing happened in the first place.

​I only nodded in response as we headed the opposite way down the hall towards the bathroom. Jake didn't follow us. Probably because I was walking with Abby. Abby pushed open the bathroom door, being careful that it didn't shut in my face. Thanks. At least you wanted to protect my face. She looked at me, silent.

​"So," I stalled.



​"Are you okay?"

​"Yes," Lie.

​"Okay. I-I just... I wasn't sure if-"

​"I'm fine Abby."


​It's now or never. "I do have a question, though."

​"Anything," she said.

​"Why didn't you tell me the truth on Wednesday? About liking Jake? I think it would have made it easier to deal with."

​She hesitated. It seems like she hesitates when there are serious questions. "I-I don't know." She stammered, too. "I didn't know all this crap would happen!"

​Crap? Crap??? How could you call this crap? This relationship would mean the world to someone else, yet you have it literately in the palm of your hand and you have the nerve to call it crap? Wow!

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