Chapter 3- Books, covers and empty houses

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Chapter 3

I sat in the small chair, some random fat guy next to me taking up half my seat.  Man he stinks! Ok this plane ride was horrible enough! I’ve learnt my lesson, they don’t need to send me to boarding school! The flight attendant wheeled her trolley down the aisle offering water to people. Okay, this is my first time flying in economy, but really, is water all they offer?

“Can I get ah.. cruiser. Do you have cruisers?” I questioned, looking up at the lady with the fake smile plastered to her face. So I was under the drinking age, I get it. But everyone back home drank, it was normal. We’d even snuck into a few clubs and been served before. The lady’s eyes met mine quizzically.

“Can I see some ID?”

“But we’re in the sky? We’re not under any countries laws are we? Seeming as we aren’t in a country right now.” I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

“I’m sorry but rules are rules.” She answered back. Yeah yeah bitch follow your stupid protocol.

I moaned before motioning for her to leave. Weird fat man adjusted his head on my shoulder and continued to snore. Ew wtf fat guy! He sat up as though he had heard my thoughts and swung his head around to see the lady with the cart.

“I’ll have a beer please.” He said motioning to the bottom of the cart, oh so they hid the good stuff under there aye? “Want anything?” He asked me.

“She just said I was underage, stupid bitch.” I said quietly to him as she searched the tray for the beer list.

“What did you want?” He asked me smirking. Hey random fat guy might not be half bad!

“Cruiser, lemon.” I replied as the attendant came back.

“Here’s the beer list.” She said in a false happy tone.

“Thanks, I’ll have a steiny and a lemon cruiser.” He said handing the crumpled list back to her. She looked down at me, I flicked through my magazine pretending not to be listening to their conversation and avoiding eye contact. Oh, so this is why Dad was reading the paper this morning huh?

“You cannot get drinks for other passengers Sir.”

“I’m not, I’m just thirsty. Look if I need to talk to your manager….” He trailed off, hoping she would get the hint. It worked funny enough.

“No, no not at all Sir. I’m sorry for questioning. Here are your drinks. Enjoy the flight.” She smiled handing him the bottles. She scurried down the aisle with her cart. I laughed as he passed me the bottle.

“Thanks mate.” I said, respect earnt  for random fat guy.

“Anytime. So why are you flying to the UK?” He questioned, oh no. I didn’t want to start a convo with him. Still, he got me a drink. I should at least be nice, make small talk.

“My parents can’t control me, I’m off to boarding school for 6 months and I have to live with some Uncle I’ve met like twice.” I moaned, hey maybe I could tell him all my problems.

“Oh that sucks,  dreading it?”

“Yes, like, will I even be able to understand these people with their posh accents and like hell I’m not eating with pinkys up!” I laughed taking a swig from my bottle.

“You’ll get used to it, just miss your ‘t’s in sentences and talk slower than normal. Also, change the tone of your voice every word . ‘Oh darling, cheerio! Did you know it’s Sa-urday already? Not long til Bri-tan now!’ “

I pissed myself, this guy was funny. “That’s exactly like how they sound on coro!” I laughed.

“I know right, I’m bloody fantastic.” He said, lifting his bottle to his lips.

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