Chapter 6- A boy called..

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Hey Guys! Thank you so much for voting on the last chapter and for commenting! foreveryoungp7 you really helped to motivate me so thank you so much! I hope you're all enjoying this book. Leave me a comment about what you think! I'd love to know :) your comments make my day, I get excited. Does that make me sound like I don't have a life? hahah, I do, I do! Promise! haha. Thanks for reading :) xx B

“So how many friends do you have on Facebook?” Louis shouted over the music to me, the boys and I were all sitting in a corner booth in the club.

“Uh, I dunno. Two thousand or so.” I shrugged back, I had a few I mean I’ve moved schools enough! The boys all laughed and Harry leaned over to poke Zayn’s face. What is with these lightweights? I mean, I’ve have four and I’m starting to feel tipsy. A little tipsy. Okay a lot.

“Do you have a twitter?” Harry asked, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

“Yup!” I shouted back as the bass shook the club.

“What’s your name?!” I think it was Liam who asked me that. I’m getting good at most of their names though! And I know them enough to know that they’re all good looking boys who I would probably date. Actually I would prefer Zayn or Harry. But the others are still great guys.

I slurred back my twitter name and Lou studied my face, deep in thought.

“Your name is Zayn or Harry?” He asked, scratching his head. SHIT. Did I say that out loud? Hopefully everyone is a little too drunk to remember.

“Nope! It’s at Abby Lion.” I stated, pointing my finger as I said it.

“Abby Lion?! I thought your name was Dillion?” Louis said, running his hands through his hair.

“Yeah, I just took the ‘Dil’ bit out. But Dillion is said dil-lan.” I explained. I’m ten times better at explaining things when I’m drunk I mean they completely understood that.

“Huh?” Zayn said leaning in to me. Actually, scratch that theory.

“THIS IS MY SONG!” Harry screamed before pulling Louis and I onto the dance floor. I stumbled over my own two feet and felt myself fly forward. I shut my eyes quickly and braced myself for impact…..the impact that never came. I opened my eyes to see if I was facing up or down. That’s never a good sign. You know you’ve drunk too much when you can’t tell which way is up. I looked up and my eyes met his. His arms had a strong hold around my waist.

“Thank you. That would have hurt otherwise!” I laughed.

“Anytime Abby.” He smiled, lifting me back up. I watch him stroll back over to the bar where Niall and Liam were sitting talking to a pretty brunette. How did he catch me so fast? He wasn’t even dancing before. He wasn’t a vampire like Edward was he? Hold on, let me sort this out now.

“You’re not a vampire are you?” I asked, resting my hands on his shoulders.

“What?” He laughed, looking at me. He lifted a hand to his hair, fixing it in place.

“Never mind. I’m drubnk!” I slurred back to him before running off to dance with some random hot guy I had spotted.

I rolled over, pulling the blankets around my face. Mmmh, they smelt good. It’s like a mixture of soap and cologne. I don’t remember my bed smelling like this?

And why the fuck is it so cold? Oh…that’s right. I’m not in Australia where the sun always shines. I’m in stinky Brittan getting ready for stupid boarding school not next week but the week after. I yawned loudly before rubbing my head. Ow! Must have big another big night then.

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