Chapter 27: The Show Must Go On

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            ''Puppets are creepy,'' Paige says. ''Plain and simple.''

           ''Why hate on puppets,'' Kid Flash asked.

         ''They're just so creepy,'' Paige said. ''Their eyes follow you, like one of those cleshe haunted house paintings.''

           ''Someone's been watching too many horror movies,'' Artemis said, flipping through a magazine.

              ''I think her fear's reasonable,'' White says. ''Especially with the puppet master strings still out there.''

            The team, minus Paige, looked at him with ''explanation please'' faces.

            ''I need to visit the sisters,'' White sighed. ''With them there are less explanations. The puppet master strings are a set of hexed puppet strings created by the first puppet master as part of his act. Little did he know that every time he gave a private performance, those people would be turned into puppets.''

            ''See, creepy,'' Paige said. ''Just when you think they couldn't get any creepier, they go and get more creepy.''

            ''But aren't your spirits kind of like your own personal set of puppets,'' Kid Flash asked.

            ''You shouldn't have said that,'' White says.

           Paige stood up and walked calmly toward the young speedster. He sat there, terrified. But she was calm, which terrified him more.

             ''My spirits are my friends, not my shields or puppets,'' she said. ''One more thing, Wally. No one calls my spirits, puppets.''

             She openly dragged him into the nearest hallway. He was screaming for help, but they all ignored him.

            ''Open, gate of the sea goat,'' they heard her summon. ''Capricorn.''

            The rest of them ignored the crashes and screams they heard. All it did was give them a message. Never anger the spirit caller. She walked back though the living room as Wally limped back.

           ''I feel so much better,'' Paige says, going down a different hall.

           ''That is one scary magic user,'' Robin said.

         ''At least she didn't use Aquarius or Leo,'' White laughed. ''Once she gets serious, things will be a little more interesting.''

            ''Interesting is one word for it,'' Cheshire says.

          Unknown to them, but Paige wasn't as cool as she let them believe. Sure, White was her boyfriend, but all relationships do have their secrets.

             ''The idiot, who does he think he is,'' she ranted. ''If he knew what he was talking about, it would be better, but he doesn't. If he only knew what it was like to be a puppet, then he would know.''

            Glowing strings were coming out of the ceiling. Ghost hands were holding a puppet controller. 

           ''So she wants him to know what a puppet feels like,'' the hands said. ''Her wish is our command.''

           The strings went around her wrists and elbows. Her eyes lit up blue as she smirked an evil grin.

            ''So, these puppet master strings, how do you undo their spell,'' Miss.Martian asked.

            ''The legend states that if the strings were ever out-preformed, the spell is broken,'' White said. ''I think it's like an old myth about the ancient sirens. They lost a singing contest to the muses and were destroyed by their own jealousy.''

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