When friendship kills

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Hey ,
We're friends .
Aren't we ?
Just friends
That's it .

That's what I told myself for the past year .
You know how difficult it is to talk to you ? To be with you ? To hug you like it doesn't mean anything?

You know how difficult it is for me to even see you ?
Let alone talk to you everyday till 3am in the morning with sleepy eyes ?

You don't.

You can't possibly comprehend the fact that being just friends might just tear someone apart from within.

I loved you .
And that's what you give me in return ?
Friendship ?
That's the shit you're giving me?
That's your trick ?

Because it fucking hurts .
It fucking hurts to be like the way I am .

Guys are stereotyped as testosterone filled insensitive weirdos

But i feel
I cry
I'm hurt too you know ?
Sometimes when i say i love you and you don't say the same ..it hurts
When you go to sleep without texting me goodnight it hurts
When you're online and you still don't talk to me ...it hurts
When you meet me and act like strangers ..it hurts


As a kid ..I always thought the big things matter . The biggest gift on a Christmas eve was the best . The biggest bun on the dinner table was the best . The biggest Turkey leg on Thanksgiving was the best .

But now that I've grown old .. I've realised that

Little things matter more
It's the one call you give me at midnight that makes my day
It's the one cookie you give me during the lunch break
That makes my week
It's the one hug you give me
That makes my month
It's the one"friendly kiss" you give me that makes my year .

But then it's the little things that eventually give you away .

I'm scared of losing you
And i would never lose you
And you know that .

That's why you do the things you do.

You know what
When i was failing
When everyone hated me
I found you
And you made sense

You were the one who made me live

Isn't that ironic ?
Now you are the one who's killing me from inside

Now that i am standing over this table so insensitive ..and incoherent
With the rope hanging infront of me ;

All alone inside my home
Now that the rain is falling
this loneliness made me moan.

But the thought of you being happy
Somewhere , with someone made me flown .

-With love


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