01: Raditz, the Alien

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Episode 1: Arrival


The engine of the local farmer's car could be heard throughout the plains of his property, as he drove over to check on some of his crops. Stepping out of his car, shotgun in hand, he went over to his field with a smile on his chubby face, when suddenly...


Dust disperses throughout the area, produced from the crater caused by the crashing of a weird, alien-like space pod. Nervously, the local, pompous farmer trudges over to investigate the odd spacecraft, his beloved shotgun held shakily in both fat hands.

Suddenly, a clicking noise can be heard, followed by the slow hatching of the pod, smoke exiting the now-open hatch, adding to the drama of the situation. From the pod steps a tall, un-recognizable figure masked by the smoke from their ship. 

Entire body quaking, Farmer shouts nervously, "H-H-Hey, you! Y-Ya better not try anythin' funny, else I'll...I'll..."

His fake-toughness was cut short, as moments later, the smoke had cleared, revealing a tall, muscular being, similar in anatomy to that of a human, with long, charcoal-hued hair and odd-looking armor, with a brown belt-like object strapped around the waist. A cool-looking futuristic device strapped to the side of his face over his eye. The being jumped up to the top of the crater, front leg placed on the soil that that the farmer tended to.

 The being jumped up to the top of the crater, front leg placed on the soil that that the farmer tended to

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An alien?!

Silent still, the alien scanned the area, charcoal pupils running along the grass, to the farmer's crops, to the brilliant mountains displayed in the distance. After a long silence, the alien spoke.

"What in hell? Kakarot was supposed to kill this planet! It looks like it's untouched! Hmph...after I find him, we'll do it together. Better late than never, I suppose..."

Farmer, completely baffled with what had just been said, cocked his shotgun, pointing it at the tall foreigner. 

"G-G-Get off my property..."

After he spoke, he shakily lifted a finger to the trigger of his shotgun. Smiling, the alien reached a banded hand up to press a button on his device. It seemed to be calculating something, as numbers quickly flashed by on the green screen-like part of the device.

"Hah! Your power level is puny. It's only 5...how sad."

Still shaking, Farmer said, "D-Don't come no closer...I-I'll use this thing...!"

Daringly, the alien took one more step forward, prompting the farmer to pull the trigger on his gun, with a BANG! The force from the shot recoiled him backwards, leaving his fat rump on the ground, which he hastily stood back up. To his utter dismay and surprise, the alien was unarmed. He had an arm held up, something clenched in his fist. Still evilly smiling, Mr. Alien reveals that the object he had was, in fact, the very bullet intended to kill him. He'd caught it.

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