The weirdest thing just happened to me.
You know that I'm gay, right?
So when I was in Disneyland I brought a pride mickey mouse pin with me, that I pinned to my leather jacket along with two Sherlock and a "My home is my bookstore." pin.And I've worn the jacket just the second day today and this morning (aka 10 minutes ago) this boy from my grade said (I'm not even joking, his words): "That's gay."
(And in my head I was like "duh, that's the point")
And so a girl from his class said: "What is?"
And he was like: "That pin, don't you know that it stands for gays and lesbians?" (He's not homophobic even if it sounds that way, he just has a lack of knowledge here, I guess.)
And the girl read aloud: "My home is my ..."
And he said: "Not that one, the rainbow one."
The girl: "It really stands for that?"
And I said: "Yeah, it does."
And he turned to me: "Did you just buy that thinking it was a pretty Mickey Mouse?"
(And in my head I was like: "Mate, I'm standing in front of you with a pride pin on my jacket, you've seen photos on instagram of me and my fucking girlfriend at a pride parade and you still assume I'm straight? Also, I just told you I know what it stands for.")So that was the story how my straight school mate accused my gay self of not knowing what the rainbow flag stands for!