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At first I don't understand what she's asking me to stay or go. I let go of her hand and back up, "I'm sorry I-I think there is somewhere I have to be right now. I turn around and run away, don't worry whoever you are i'm coming. I run till suddenly i'm falling again, I squeezed my eyes shut then......

'Beep' Beep' I sit up and look around me, I see a nurse come in as her jaw drops open she ruses over to me, I look around but no one else is here. It was all a dream right? I try and speak, "Who checked me in? What happened?" She takes a step back and looks in my eyes with a small light, "The records say an Alice. You were shot three times my dear, along with a list of other things. I need to uhh call the doctor." She runs out of the room, I sit up against the bed. "I could have swore I wasn't alone..." I feel a tear slide down my cheek, "I should have went with her...at least then." I look up to see the nurse returned with a woman that she referred to as doctor. She checks my pulse and looks at me like I was a ghost as she pulls at some kind of pager thing from her jacket pocket, "Tell doctor Kim that he needs to get down here fast...Yes the coma one she just woke up."

***Daehyun's POV***

"I'm sorry-" the doctor cut himself off as his pager went off, he listened to something as his eyes got big as he quickly stood up and started to leave. He motioned me up to leave, as he dropped the pager back in his pocket, "I need you to come back with me." I looked at him funny as we got back into the elevator as he pressed the button to return us to the floor with Roses room. I hear the elevator ding as the steel doors open everyone is rushing to a room. I round the corner to see what room it is... "That's her room!" I take off leaving the Doctor in my dust i catch myself in the door frame as I see a crowd of staff around the bed, my mind only goes to the worst. I fight through the crowd to see her lifeless body. I get through them as a pair of brown eyes looks up to me from the bed.

***Daehyun POV end***

Dancing in the rain (B.A.P Daehyun)Where stories live. Discover now