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"You get that stuff ready I'll be at the stove." He gets the table set for me after he prepped what I needed to cook. "They will be here in ten minutes." I get everything served and set up as I rest my hands on my hips, "I'm going to change before they get here, just come get me if they come before i'm out." I walk swiftly to the bedroom and close the door. I threw my clothes in the floor in front of the bed as I look in the closet for something to put on, I finally find some light blue pants and a peach colored shirt, it's a little thin but nothing noticeable is showing. I hurry back out to see Daehyun leaning on the counter as I walk over to him. "I'm surprised you didn't eat anything while I was out of the room." He smiles as he brushes my hair back. "I like your outfit." I smile back at him as he kissed me, "That's all you can say?" He laughs as the others come in, as I whip my head around and welcome them. "It looks good, he didn't catch anything on fire did he?" Daehyun pouts, "no he didn't everything is fine here."

Dinner actually went pretty smooth for some time that is. "OK so are we going to go shopping tomorrow or not?"I look back at Alice while still chewing, I wait till I can swallow to respond, "I would say yes if I knew my way around. I would rather not walk around like a clueless idiots and get robbed." She laughs, "Don't tell me you actually know what you're doing?" Daehyun giggles as I poke him in the side as he twitched at it. "When have I not been reliable?" Well ok yes she is, "I'll come if you want me to." I look over at Dae considering his offer, "no you won't where we are going you guys have no business going. Besides you have an appointment somewhere tomorrow right?" How does she know about some appointment and I don't, I look over at him a little shocked. "I don't hear it from him geez. Besides we have goals and objectives for tomorrow." I roll my eyes back tired, "That means you're dragging me everywhere right?" She smiles as if i'm right. "It could be worse haha, I thought you liked shopping though?" I look over at Himchan as he questions, "Oh I do, getting lost or going to stores that there is no use going to is another thing."

We all hang out till about 9pm then everyone goes back to their apartments, and it's just us again. I feel him hug me from behind as I stand up, "Mmm?" I don't know if I want to sleep or just sit in the living room watching random TV. "What is it?"I shake my head, "nothing I never thought I would be here with you right now." I feel him kiss my neck, "you want to go to bed or sit down and watch a movie?" I turn back at him as he was thinking the same thing I was, "I guess we could watch a movie." We sit back down on the couch as I lay my head on his chest and my arms around him as his arm slides around my side. We find some romance movie on, I personally was too lazy to keep looking for something else to watch.

I stopped paying attention to the movie at about three fourths of the way through. After a couple of scenes all I could think about was Daehyun, i was paying attention to his heart rate and breathing. I didn't know I was even tapping his chest with my finger till the movie was over as he pulled my face up to his. "What is it?" I look around, "Oh sorry I got distracted." He laughs, "Suuurrree you did." I laugh as I turn the TV off and get up and stretch. I pull him up off the couch and walk him to the bedroom. "I think you promised me something back then." I smile as I go into the bathroom "I'm going to take a shower."

The water was so warm on my back I felt more at ease. As I could think clear, everything was real, our emotions we have for one another are real I can trust the memories I have. I rinse my face before I turn the water off and wrap my towel around myself as I step out. "You don't take long." I was a little startled as Dae was leaning on the counter, "You like to watch me in the shower? That's a little creepy." He laughed, "You know you can't see much through the door." I laugh as I go over and dry my hair as he gets in the shower.

I look and find a simple white shirt and some cute blue and pink shorts to wear. I sit on the bed pondering a lot. It feels so comfortable as I let my body fall against the comforter. I have to wonder what's so important that Alice wants to talk about tomorrow. A normal life what is that? I have no clue, though this isn't normal now is it? "Whatcha thinking about?" I shoot back up as I see Dae leaning in the door frame. "Oh umm nothing." I hang my head down to hide the red that's now colored my cheeks, he walks over to me as He holds a finger in front of my face, "follow my finger with your eyes." Don't treat me like this dummy. "Ok no side effects so far." I stick my tongue out at him, "Stop standing around in a towel and go get dressed." He flicks my hair as he goes into the closet.

I hear the closet open and some shuffling around with some drawers as he comes back out with some clothes. Can you change somewhere else? "So are you ready for tomorrow?" I look over at him as he sits beside me, "huh?" he puts his thumb on my cheek as I bite my lip. "Cute. You cand Alice going out tomorrow." I smile, "Oh that I guess I don't know what she wants to do or anything. So what is your appointment tomorrow?" He kisses my forehead, "It's a secret till I get back." I narrow my eyes, "If it involves other girls I advise you to cancel for your health's sake, and life." He moves his head back a little shocked and laughs, "no haha why? Would you be jealous?" I turn away and just lay under the covers on my side of the bed. "Waa Rose-ah I didn't mean it!" I feel him hugging me from behind as I hide a smile, as I act like i'm still mad, "Shiish maybe I should go and meet some cute guys then." I roll over on my back and look over at me as he pouts, "see hehe you're jealous too." Oh dear "no you won't. Or can they do this?" he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss, "hmm nope, guess not." After sometime we finally fell asleep.  

Dancing in the rain (B.A.P Daehyun)Where stories live. Discover now