Light At The End of the Tunnel

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Shiro watched her reflection in the mirror, noting how anti-climatic her joining Danzo had been. He had simply escorted her to Root's underground facility and enlisted her as a new member before leaving to go take care of some business.

The red eyed self-proclaimed Kaguya didn't feel any different. Well, at least aside from the sting from what Danzo had revealed to her.

Because seriously?

Akane didn't want her.

Hayate's been lying to her this whole time.

Fugaku and Mikoto probably knew. Maybe even Itachi and Shisui.

Yet, aside from the emotional sting she felt, she still felt the same about them. Akane was still her mother. Fugaku was still the authority figure she secretly looked up to. Mikoto was still her favorite babysitter. Itachi was still the boy who went along with her antics. Shisui was still an indulgent older brother figure. Sasuke, who was probably the only one oblivious about everything, was still her friend.

Her hand unconsciously went to her bare neck, the absence of her necklace making her heart give a pained pang.

The only one who she wasn't sure about was Hayate. But considering she was just a mission to him had been made clear, hadn't it? He clearly showed her where she stood with him.

Shiro's eyes watered.

Yeah, she knew where she stood with him.

It probably didn't matter to him if she never shows up again. She didn't matter to him after all. His life would move on and so would everyone else's lives, whether she was there or not. In fact they would probably be better off without her.

Akane wouldn't have to struggle to pay rent.

Hayate could take on more interesting missions.

Fugaku wouldn't have to worry about her pranks anymore.

Mikoto wouldn't have to worry about her influencing Sasuke anymore.

Itachi didn't have a pest that would stalk him with his little brother anymore.

Shisui wouldn't have to handle a kid constantly badgering after him demanding to learn something.

Sasuke wouldn't have an annoying pest keeping him away from training.

They would all be better without her.

Danzo on the other hand?

He had seen something in her. What he saw, she wasn't sure about. Nor did she really care. She just felt good about being needed by someone, even if it was probably for Danzo's selfish gains. Ironically, out of all the adult figures in her life Danzo has yet to utter any lies to her.

Danzo wanted to make her stronger than Tsunade.

With his help, she could achieve her goal.

Wiping away her tears, Shiro gave her reflection a genuine smile. "They'll be okay without you." She assured herself. "They'll be better than okay without you." She repeated one last time.

'So focus on yourself right now and make sure you don't lose your emotions. Emotions are the reason why your goal is to help, right?' A voice inside her head encouraged.

"No way am I going to change!" Shiro grinned before childishly sticking out her tongue while pulling her left lower eyelid down.

The mirror reflected her childish pose, along with a cursed seal on her tongue.

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