Deathless love

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Hey guys who an will be reading this sorry if it is boring in the beginning but I'm not into writing stories but wth gonna go with it so here you go hope you like it :)


Draco PoV

I was listening to whatever stupid thing Crabb and Goyle were bickering about and I was just annoyed until I heard something that interested me.

"Uh oh mud blood alert."

I smiled ah Hermione, no snap out of it I thought then smirked.

"Crabb Goyle go back to the CR" (AN that's common room in to lazy to spell it out every time)

"Yeah, whatever, see you later." is all I heard.

"Hey Her- Granger where you going?" my eyes scanned her 1st year body.

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips.

"Why do you care Malfoy?" She asked.

I tried to make up a good excuse but I was too late.

"Whatever just leave me alone." she walked away so gracefully.

I was walking back to the common room when I bumped into Blaise.

"Woah why you walking so fast you were practically flying" he laughed and I lightly fake chuckled and zoomed past him. I made it so the portrait but the Fat Lady wasn't there.

"Dang it ugh!" I knocked until she came."



"Sorry no."

"Snake hide?"


"Hmm oh I know Gryiffindor sucks!"

"Do you have something to confirm your house?"

I showed her my schedule and she nodded and opened.

I noticed I had similar classes as Hermione. (I checked her classes stalker right?) and I figured out one thing.

I was falling for Hermione.


Hey sorry for the shortness it's like 10:02 right now and I just typed thing from my iPod so yeah hopefully they will get longer!

Stay scary my friends

- The Scary Marie

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