this, too, shall pass.

21 3 5

the winds of winter whip and whisk

the grassy scent of the park coupled with the incessant snow

the clickety clack of the trains at the station

under London

the lollipop man waving the red-capped children across

with a scarf wrapped around his face

it is the kind of cold that makes

smokers quit for a few days

and out of nature's white gunfire I dive

into the hazel-old library

warm, soothing, quiet. everyone moves slowly.

paper, wood, dew. good smells.

my brain still swaddled with words, like the books

and it turns out

I can't escape the cold, because

the cold is in my head

I can't survive this

and a tear escapes my eye

as I collapse onto the floor

but I remind myself:

this, too, shall pass

so I open up a new chapter

and start reading.

because they say

all great books

have not-so-great beginnings

and I trust them

~ the end ~

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