Chapter 11.

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"Yeah, Ro?"

"Whatta mammy?"

"A mummy?" Louis frowns. Since the day he got Robin he wished this talk never came. "Well, uh Grandma Jay is my mummy."

"But she a granma, papa."

"Yes, she is your grandmother and my mother. She is my parent, like I am your parent."

"She a papa?"

"She's a mama," Louis concludes. "And everyone has a parent but most kids have more than one. Some kids have a mummy and a daddy, some have two daddies and some two mummies. You have a papa."

Robin nods and frowns as if she is thinking really hard.

"I likes having a papa."



"Yeah, Ro?"

"Can kiddies have a papa and a daddy?"

"Of course, they can."

"Then I wants a daddy too."


"Can I looks for one?"


"Papa said I could have a daddy, but I have to finds one first, but I don't know where I looks."

"Well that is a pretty tough challenge, Robin." Harry answers the small girl, trying to keep a straight face. "You can't just pick one, you know, you got to find the perfect one and think about it really good first, you have to really like him and your papa must like him too!"

"Papa like him too? That's even harderst!" The toddler yells, frustrated by the seemingly impossible task.

"Yeah, he does, they have to go on dates and kiss."

"Papas and daddies kiss? Yuck!"

"They do, that's why papa should really like this daddy."

"Papa likes you."

And that is when Louis decides it is time to disturb the conversation and make his presence known. He knows he shouldn't eavesdrop but he just couldn't help himself, Harry is so adorable with Robin.


"Papa!" His daughter runs towards him and jumps up into his arms excitedly. "I found a daddy!"

"Not now, sweets, lets go home, alright? I'll make your favourite dinner tonight!"

"Chickies with fries?"

"Yep and apple saucies!"


"Then go grab your bag and jacket, love."


Hello everybody!

Hope you're still liking it!

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- Thing you are craving right now?

I am kinda craving french toast but I am also craving fried chicken. Why is chicken waffles a thing but chicken french toast isn't?

X Emma

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