Chapter 1: Time To Shine Princess

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Evie is 17
Harry is 20
Dizzy is 13
Gil is 18
Ben is 21
Snow White is 23

Evie was riding in a black beautiful carriage. Enjoying the ride home. She's been gone for a while now. Visiting the parents of her soon to be husband...Ben. Evie did not love him but she had no saying in the matter. He's kind and honorable, but Evie can't love him, she's tried.

It's lovely outside it's sprinkling and it makes the forest look more vivid. Evie wants to see the world not marry someone she doesn't love. She feels the carriage come to a halt. The door is opened by a servant. Evie exits the carriage gracefully. They bow as she walks past them. Living with Snow White is the real problem because Snow is so perfect and Evie isn't. Evie would think her mother loved her more if it wasn't for the fact mother has planed for Snow to get 'lost' in the forest. Evie feels almost bad for her. Almost.

As Evie enters the palace she feels something is off. She goes to her mother's chambers and knocks. A servant opens the door and bows, letting Evie in.

There her mother lies in bed looking terribly sick. Evie runs to her side.

"Mother." Evie tries to keep her voice steady.

"Its unladylike to run." Her mother says strictly.

"Forgive me." Evie said kissing her mother's hands.

"Nightshade, I'm afraid I'm dying."

"Please mother, we must find a way to help you."

"I'm going to ask you to do three things for me my dear."


"Hush now. One I need you to make sure Snow White dies. Two don't look for your father. The third one is very important, you must marry Prince Ben. Go to your room Evie."


She doesn't get a chance to protest the guards escort her to her room, where she cries for hours, as her mother dies a slow and painful death. It's around 3 am when they announce her mother's death. Evie has never felt so dead inside. Snow White handles the rest but Evie knows once she's alone she'll cry for the woman who on her death bed asked for her to be killed. Evie felt bad for Snow but she would do what her mother asked her to.

Far away in an underground business. Harry Hook as in a cage with a 6'3 animal of a man. He was also getting his ass handed to him by said man. Outside the cage Dizzy was pick pocketing drunken fools. Once she felt she had done good she gets closer to the cage and yells at Harry

"Time to shine princess!"

Harry smirks and gets off is knees and punches the man beast across the jaw. Harry punches him again straight in the face knocking him out. People are shocked others are amazing and some just look pissed.

Harry and Dizzy make a quick exit after collecting their money. Who are these two thieves?

Harry Hook Captain of The Bloody Prince. Terrible name he knows? He lost a Dizzy.

Dizzy Tremaine! Harry Hook's first mate! She's very proud. She's 13 and loving a pirate's life. Her and Harry's story is a weird one. She lived in a town known for piracy. Captain James Hook owns the town...basically. Not on paper but in fear. Dizzy's grandmother was losing money because no one could afford to get their hair done if Captain Hook was sucking them dry. Dizzy hated the Hooks especially Harry Hook because once he stole his first ship he started collecting money from her grandmother's hair salon Curl Up & Dye. He was always menacing and aggressive. So grandmother made a deal. Dizzy would serve Captain Hook for a while and he would stop collecting from her shop and lower the money people had to pay him so she could keep her business alive. It worked out for both of them. Not so much for Dizzy. She became friends with lots crew members because they too had once had to keep the ship clean and it's not a small ship. Dizzy grew weaker each day she needed a break she saw Harry Hook and his new crew start to set sail she didn't think she just jumped into the water and snuck on to his ship. Once they had been sailing for a day one of the crewmen found her.

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