Unpleasantville - Surprise From Above

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Eve looks back, between the two front seats, seeing the man disappear as her sister drive away from the grill

Once they reach the main road she turns around "Was that..." Eve starts to ask, nervously

Elena nods, keeping her eyes on the road "It was the vampire that I hit" she confirms, the nerves noticeable in her voice

Eve studies her sister for a moment. Her heart racing almost as much as the car "was he the one on the phone" she wonders slowly, afraid to ear the answer

Elena tightens her grip on the steering wheel "yes, he is targeting me" she lets out in a shaky voice

Eve anxiously looks around "its okay, he stayed behind" she assures "everything is going to be fine" she adds giving her sister's shoulder a light squeeze

The next morning the twins get out of the house early to go to the Salvatore's house. Apparently Stefan and Leo spend the night searching for the mystery vampire but he seems to had vanished.

"Why me? What does he want with me? A-and if he's trying to kill me, then why call first?" Elena wonders glancing at Stefan that was pacing around on the Library

Stefan walks around the couch and faces Elena "That's because we're predators, Elena. We hunt. We stalk. It's often as exciting as the kill." He explains stopping in front of the couch, facing the twins

Eve sighs "great" she murmurs to herself. Elena looks at her with a question look on her face and Evangeline offers her a small smile

"I want you to take this." Stefan says, interrupting the sister's moment. The twins look up to see him fiddling with something on his hand

Stefan sits down on the table in front of them and pulls out the vampire compass, handing it to Elena.

She takes it and looks at it. A frown takes over her expression when she realizes what it is "This is Jeremy's pocket watch. How did you get it?" she questions

Eve looks at the object in her sister's hands and remembers the day that Damon had handed the compass to her so she could track the mystery vampire that turned out to be Logan. She mean to asks Leo why Damon had her brother pocket watch and, most importantly, why did her family had vampire tracking 'watches' but with all that had happen that day it slip her mind. She frowns thinking that, maybe, she had to start a 'don't forget to asks latter' note list on her phone "Damon had that" she points out. Elena's head snaps in Eve's direction expecting an explanation "Oh yeah, I end up never telling you what happen on the day we found out that Logan was the mystery vampire" Eve lets out realizing that only a few days had pass since then but, so much had happen that seems like months had had gone by. "It's a long story, I'll tell you later" she dismisses turning back to Stefan

Stefan nods "I took it from Damon, who took it from Logan, who must have taken it from you." He explains

Elena opens it up and observes the contents, confused. "What happened to it?"She wonders

Stefan reaches forward, taking Elena's hands on his "Well, it's not just a watch." He says

"It tracks down vampires" Eve comments

Elena looks between Eve and Stefan, confused "It's a...it's a sort of compass, but it points to vampires." Stefan clarifies

Stefan gently lowers Elena's hands keeping the compass between them to show her how it works. The needle whirs around on the compass, seemingly unable to stop. Stefan glances at Leo that sighs, getting up from the arm chair and setting next to Stefan. Finally the needle clicks into place, pointing in the brother's direction.

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