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Sherwin looked down, it was Friday "I've never been so depressed about Friday in my life, i wish Jonny was here..." he mumbled. Right then, someone grabbed him from behind. Sherwin yelped, he turned his head around and smiled "Jonny!" He turned all the way around and hugged him. Jon smiled and hugged back. "My cute little red head... i missed you" Jonny says. "I missed you too Jonny apple seed". Then Jon spotted something and gasped, he saw that Sherwin was beaten up badly, he growled "Who did this to you?" Sherwin looked down "I told you, the 5 people who beat me up on Monday..." Jonathan growls and goes by Wyatt. "I told you not to hurt Sherwin again!" He jumped on Wyatt, pinning him down, he face the ground. "H-hey Bethany, Alex and Josh started i-it... heh..." Wyatt said. Jonathan growls and gets up and goes to the group "what the hell?!" Jon yelled. Bethany giggled "what's up with you?" She says. "Don't play that crap on me Bethany! How dare you hurt Sherwin?!" He snaps. Alex mumbled "he is gay shit..." that made Josh laugh. "He literary did nothing to you and yet you beat him up" Jon growled in Alexes face. Alex laughed "he is ugly, gay, gross, stupid, just a piece of shit!" That was it, Jon had enough. Sherwin looked down, tears rolled down his face. Jon growled and started to walk away, then he suddenly turned around and full on attacked Alex. "YOU BITCH! DONT CALL HIM ANY OF THOSE NAMES! HE IS BEAUTIFUL!" he screamed and threw punches at the kid. Alex fought back, soom the two boys were dragged away from each other. Wazeque found out and what an actual dream principle would do, he teamed on Jon and Alex got in trouble, Jon just had to spend the whole entire day in a small room and do nothing exept for homework. At the end of the day, Sherwin smiled and sneaked up on Jon "boo!" He giggles. "Aww hi Sherbear!" Jon giggles and kisses him. Sherwin blushes and kisses back. "So how were you?" Jon asks. "Oh it was better than normal..." Sherwin smiles "what about you?" Sherwin grabs his hand. "Meh... it wouldn't been better if you were with me" Jon says, smiling. He holds it back. "Sooo do you want to come over?" Jon asks. "Uh... sure...I'll have to ask my dad though..." he smiles. Jon nods and calls his sister.


-at Jons house-

  Sherwin flopped on the bed "i wanna snuggle" Sherwin says. Jon smiles and throws his backpack and jumps beside Sherwin and snuggled him. "I love you" Sherwin says "i love you too" he smiles as they hold each other. They watched tv and laughed at movies and videos. They played some games too. Then it was time for dinner. Jon gets up "does... your parents know...?" Sherwin asks. Jon shakes his head "they think im straight... but im pan.... my sister is the only one who knows." Sherwin nods.

-timeskip, brought to you by their dinner, pizza 🍕-

They laid on bed together... snuggling. "Love you Jonny" Sherwin says and pecks Jons lips. "Love you Sherwin" he pecks them back. As they fell asleep in each others arms....

Im so sorry this took so long to write, i was having writters block, im very sorry

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