Townsend Tennessee

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A black hair, blue eyed blabbing toddler constantly rambled at her mamma. She loved watching and listening to the sound of her voice. It made her happy. Today she was was wonder woman. Her white shirt with red and yellow stars, spelling out wonder woman in yellow and outlined in blue over her blue jean shorts. She was walking randomly around the kitchen, living room and dining room. Her arms were reaching out as if reaching for something. A huge smile that consumes her whole face beamed out and stole mamma's breath. She smiled slowly at her little girl and whispered "Thank you Father for the gift of this child." Just as the last word was whispered a loud giggle escaped her daughters mouth and she started running faster. Momma smiled and shook her head thinking 'How exciting everything is when your young. Running around for no reason and having the time of her life!' Momma didn't see what the little girl sees. She was reaching for two figures that couldn't be described because of the light that surrounding them. They moved extremely fast. Faster than anyone could possible do. The little girl continued giggling and reaching out, her little legs going as fast as she could move them.


Sitting on the swing gently rocking, an 8 year old quietly looked at the forest before her. Bright greens mixing with medium and dark greens. Trails made out from years of use but other than that it was thick with leaves, bushes and trees. Her favorite spot was 10 short minutes away. The urge to run there was so strong, she had to dig her nails in her palms. Hard enough to bring pain but not cut. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere without her mom or dad. She didn't understand why she couldn't go out by herself. It seemed momma and daddy was always busy and didn't have time to take her. They didn't understand the peacefulness that filled her when she went to her cave. They didn't see all the beauty our Creator made because of their busy jobs. As she sat there staring she seen someone darting in and out of the treeline. It looked like a girl around her age with red hair. She had on stonewashed jean short with a white tee shirt and white Keds shoes. She looked like she could be crying. Pain grabbed at her belly so hard, she slipped out of the swing.

My pain will end by Jesus hand. He's healing as I sing. My pain will end by the cross, hanging on that tree.

As always the chant that was taught to her started soothing the pain. And little by little it disappeared. When she was steady she ran inside to find her momma.

"MOMMA, It happened again." She yelled while running through the house. Her mom came out of the bathroom with her yellow cleaning gloves dripping water as she struggled to pull them off.

"Angel, you OK? Are you hurt? What happened?"

"I was swinging and I'm sure I seen a little girl running by and she looked like she was crying. Then I fell off the swing in pain. It really hurt momma."

Momma just looked at her. Her heart beating fast and hard. She tried her best to keep a calm face. "Honey where are you hurting? You have some blood on your side. Here let me look." As momma walked over she started quietly singing her favorite song.

And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.

She gently lifted up the side of Angel's shirt. On her little side was a quarter size cut. Almost a perfect circle. It was pretty deep. Any deeper and you could see bone. Momma whispered under her breathe and told Angel to stay right there and hold the paper towel on her side. She quickly left the room and almost a minute later she was back with daddy. He ran over, quickly but softly lifted Angel's hand and looked.

"Angel baby, I need you to stand still and don't move. I don't want you to look at your BooOww. I need to go to my office and get some medicine. You stand here with momma and let her know if anything hurts." No one knew why she always called her cuts and bruise BooOww.

He ran out of the room. Momma went to the cupboard and got her favorite cup. She poured me some milk and added chocolate. Angel knew then her BooOww was pretty bad. Daddy came running in as momma handed Angel the cup. Daddy had his gloves on pulled blue powder in a glass box out of his work bag. The lid was blue and there was a picture of a red heart. Mom got a short, black, fluffy brush and handed it to daddy.  Angel looked up at the ceiling wondering if The Creator was going to show her a movie in her eyes. She suddenly felt sleepy and her eyes were very heavy. She tried to hold them open but she just couldn't. She was falling into the brightest light. A feeling of comfort and peace took hold. She knew she was OK and she was happy to see her Special Friend. She fell more into the light with the parents voices over her.

"It seems to be getting worse. I am really worried Jac."

"Nathy Father knows what is going on. And what will happen. Trust Him with fear."

"Yes. And I know she is our only hope. I don't know what I will do if...."


Angel was floating in a cloud over her favorite cave. She really loved when her Special Friend brings her here.

"Jesus I really like when you bring me here."

"I know my child. That is why I bring you here. I want to bring you happiness."

"I don't know why I hurt."

"My beloved. I know it hurts. You are strong. You are my child, My special friend. This is part of the plan for your life. Soon you will understand."

"I want to do want you want me to do." Angel leaned on a bundle of clouds.

"You rest child. You will be alright."


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