Visitor Gone Wrong

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"So your visiting!?" I yelled happily into the phone.

My best friend huffed for problably the 5th time. "Yes Bri, I'm already on the way."


The house isn't even cleane and no way does anyone else know that she is coming. What am I going to tell them?

"I should be there tonight or tommorow morning." She informed me.

Instead of freaking out anymore I told her "okay" and hung up.

My first instinct was to start cleaning as fast as possible. Everyone was out and about right now doing who knows what, so I would have to tell them the news later.

'On the way home with everyone.' My boyfriend texted me causing me to clean faster.

Why is she coming so unexpectedly! Oh wait, that's something that she always does.

"We are home! Why are you cleaning?" Perrie said as her face dropped.

Everyone followed in behind her and stared at me while I continued to clean the messy house that they left.

"My friend is visiting.... Yeah." I said and everyone nodded as if they didn't care.

"Oh, that's okay. When is she coming?" Eleanor said and sat down on the couch that I had just finished cleaning.

"Tonight or tommorow morning."

Dani smiled and came out with a broom. "I'll help you clean."

I smiled back at her and nodded before continuing my job. Everyone else went up to their room and did whatever.

When Dani and I were the only ones downstairs my mouth opened.

"So... are Eleanor and Perrie you know... okay?"

"Yeah they were talking a lot while we went out." Dani explained causing my cheeks to rise.

"That's great, I thought they would hate eachother forever. Everything got

alittle too far without the boys."

"Definetly." She said before picking up her dustpan and going to the kitchen.

Once the both of us were done my friend texted me saying that she was almost here. Great.

Thankfully Harry decided to cook something for dinner.

"Dinners ready!" Louis yelled from the kitchen and my friend just told me that she was almost here.

My heart beat faster because I haven't seen her in so many years... so many things have changed.

I asked Niall to come wait outside with me, he continued to ask who was coming but I never responded.

It's not he has ever met her before.

A white truck that I can't identify pulled up and out stepped my bestfriend. Whom has been missing from my life for quite a few years.

"Jessica!" My squeaky voice yelled as I ran for my life. Niall stood there with wide eyes.

She smiled back and dropped her purse. "Brianna! Baby!"

I squeezed her tighter than ever and held her there. She is such a huge part of my past, it's indescribable.

"Let's go inside, it's cold." Jess said and giggled. I nodded and helped her with her bags.

Everyone was at the dinner table as we walked in, quickly we joined them and Niall remained quiet.

Jessica scanned the table at everyone's faces and her eyes widened.

"Wait, this is One Direction..." She whispered and started breathing quickly.

Uh oh.

"And Perrie. Oh my god."

"Hey love." Perrie smiled and waved before continuing her spaghetti sponsored by Harry.

Jess decided to sit down next to me and dig in. "How do you know them?"

"Well Zayn and Perrie adopted me when you left." I explained and her jaw dropped.

"But that was not too long ago, your 18 now right?" She asked causing me to nod. We had always been the same age.

"Not to be weird but are any of you guys single, just curious."

Of course Jessica would ask.

Harry looked down and started at his fingers. Cassidy still wasn't back. Niall stared off into space.

"Niall who's your girlfriend? Harry?"

Harold looked up. "Mines on vacation at the moment." He answered.

"He's my boyfriend." I answered for him and her jaw dropped, low.

"The Niall Horan is your boyfriend, woaw."

A part of me was always jealous of her. Family adopted her, she was rich, and always had everything desired at the adoption home.

It made me sick, she made me sick.

Stole what I always had and never felt bad for it. Jessica, my adoption friend.

But no matter what, she was always my friend.

Little Mix was our obsession and I remember the day that the adoption home was no longer a home for me. Just like yesterday.

The spaghetti that Harry prepared was really good, I stuffed my face in and none of us are even sure what plate Niall is on.

"Let's go to bed Brianna." My boyfriend said and I nodded at everyone to excuse myself.

As I followed him upstairs my mind replayed the way that Jessica kept staring at Niall the whole time.

We layed down not even bothering to get dressing in comfy clothes.

"Night Brianna." Niall whispered and kissed my forehead before turning away.

I smiled. "Night Ni."

Quickly, my eyes and mind drifted off into a deep sleep.


My throat felt dry and I needed water, now.

I stood up carefully and tried not to wake up my boyfriend.

"Niall?" My dry and fragile voice whispered.

Where did he go....

My tiny feet tip toed down the stairs and went I got to the bottom, I was in shock...



What do you think Brianna saw? Comment!


- M

(updating at 14k reads.)

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