Chapter Two: Abigail Cogswell

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On the other side of the fence was an alley surrounded on both sides by pastel houses and low garden walls, much like my own. I sprinted down the alley, looking for a familiar marigold fence. Abigail was sitting on the top of the fence, waiting for me. She was a couple years younger than me and had pretty blonde hair and mischievous hazel eyes. The day I met her was the day I first hopped the garden wall. I was wondering down this alley when I saw her from a window. She was wildly waving at me. I waved back. Abigail disappeared and less than a minute later, reappeared, unlocking her fence and waving me into her yard. We played all morning, communicating through gestures and what not. I found it strange that she wasn't yelling or shouting like the other children in had seen. Then it dawned me. She had to be deaf, like me! I was so excited that I found a person like me I could have cried. From that day on, I met with Abigail every Sunday. It was the most amazing feeling to have a friend who understood.

Today, however, Abigail was the most excited I had ever seen her. She pulled me into her garden and began furiously scribbling onto a blackboard, not unlike the one Sofie had. She shoved it into my hands when she was done and began prancing around the garden. It read:

Elias I have wonderful news! I met an amazing man this morning. He said he could teach me and I could go to school!

I wrote back quickly:


As soon as I had finished writing, Abigail snatched the board back and began writing again. I could feel the excitement radiating off her.

Elias, he doesn't talk or teach like this, he uses his hands to communicate! We won't need to lug chalk and a blackboard around anymore! It's amazing!

I still didn't understand. “Uses his hands to communicate”? What does that mean? Gestures? Well, those were fine for playing hopscotch but were useless in conveying complex thought and emotion. And how does school tie into all of this? All I wrote back was:

What do you mean?

Her reply was short.

I can show you.

Then she grabbed my arm and lead me into her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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