
869 144 1

from: (+04) 67 32 44 xx

to: (+44) 20 xx 6805

written on 16 - 2 - 14 at 11:21 am

i have just gotten off the plane back to france.

i never really like the idea of flying, being up in the air that high seems unnatural to human.

we left a sunny netherlands for a sunnier france. i hope you don't feel offended. netherland is still very pretty.

my family went to some markets, where the treasures are wating to be found. i bought quite a lot pretty pieces for a low price, so if you're going on holidays and like vintage clothing, that's deffenitly a tip!

we went to a great river, where many people used to come. we were lucky to find it on it's own, with only the moon as company. we had an unexpected evening swim in water that still carried around the warmth of the day. 

i hope your day was good! 

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