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 from: (+44) 20 xx 6805

to:  (+04) 67 32 44 xx

written on 1 - 3 - 14 at 15:52 pm

i thought i wanted to update you on my life! i'm living with jace right now. it sure is a strange place to live in, this boy's home especially because i spend the first few days on the couch haha

(ah i am still so glad i have my own space here now)

for example, waking up here it is always a suprise how many people will be downstairs, often i walk downstairs, finding a sleeping stranger on the couch

i can always demand a hug somewhere from someone and at night there's often people gaming downstairs so when i'm unable to sleep, i can still listen to their 'conversations'', because they get quite excited when gaming, and it's more like shouting hahah

it's also quite exhausting sometimes

but i think that's normal, when you've got roommates right?

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