Episode 2 (How this all happened for real)

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Mossykit: Hello every cat and welcome back to LIFE! Today we will be watching the video on how this show came to be! And this time I will start it so we don't have to wait for a another Episode. All right let's roll the clip!

(The film starts)

Mossykit: Where am I?

Snowfur: You're in Starclan little one.

Mossykit: Wheres my mom?

Snowfur: She's still alive you have passed, see. *Points with nose to pool*

Mossykit: *look's in the pool (Sees dead body and Bulefur crying)* I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!

Snowfur: I am your mother's sister Snowfur. I will watch you while she is still there, ok?

Mossykit: NO I WANT MOMMY!! *eyes turn black*

Snowfur: Umm... We have ice cream.

Mossykit: *eyes turn back* Ok I'm good then.

Snowfur: What do you want to do?

Mossykit: Idk

(Le time skip to the next day)


Snowfur: Uhh... No here *Gives tv set* Do something with that

Mossykit: Ok

(The film is over)

Mossykit: And that's how it all happened I hope you enjoyed see you all later!

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