Sheriarty Texts Part 2

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A/N: Overdue, I know. Sorry. I'd say you're free to kill me but then who would continue this story? ;)
-Hugs and kisses (and more apologies for the lateness of this chapter) WPP xoxox

Sheriarty Texts Part 2

[Thurs 22 May, 23:54]

Two months. I've ignored you for two months and you don't even seem affected.. -JM

I'm not affected, that's why -SH

I don't get you. You take me on a date, you kiss me and then ignore me? -JM

Oh, Jim, you can't believe I actually liked you, can you? Surely you know you're not the only one you likes to mess with people. -SH

No, you're lying. You told me. You said you felt the same way -JM

An act, Jim. -SH

Why can't we be together? Why are you acting this way? I know you weren't acting when you said you cared for me. -JM

Then you're too gullible. It was all lies -SH

No, there's something. Something holding you back. What is it? -JM

Nothing is holding me back. I simply don't like you -SH

Are you scared? -JM

No. -SH

Inexperienced? -JM

No. -SH

Are you worried about your little pet disapproving? -JM

No. -SH

Your brother? -JM

My brother can disapprove of what he likes. I don't care about his opinions. Just accept that I DON'T like you Jim. -SH

The fact you haven't started ignoring me says otherwise -JM

I'm not ignoring you because I want you to understand that you need to go away and get over me -SH

Why the hell take me on a date if you don't like me? -JM

To mess with you. I was bored -SH

BS. You had a case at the time and paused your detective work to go on the date! -JM

Fine. Want the truth? -SH

Please. -JM

I felt nothing when we kissed. Nothing. I've felt more kissing one night stands -SH

... You're lying -JM

I'm not -SH

There's no way you kissed me like that and felt nothing -JM

Not a thing was felt. -SH

No. Stop it. You're lying. -JM

I don't feel that way Jim. Kissing, sentiment and all that lark is of no appeal. I'm not capable of feeling -SH

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