I Want You Back

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Contest Entry: Yes (Ex-Lovers, Aug 2016, thefictionawards)

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Contest Entry: Yes (Ex-Lovers, Aug 2016, thefictionawards)

Genre: Chicklit

Description: It's not easy being the mean girl. You always hear stories about nerds standing up to the preps or the bad boys changing their ways for that special someone, but what about the girl on the other side? The one he ditched for that one person no one ever thought would get anywhere in life? The one that's stereotypically "bitchy" or "desperate". Well, like I said, it's not easy. I tried to change, really, I did... but unfortunately he changed too. He used to be mine, now he's not... and I'm not okay with that. I want him back. No... I need him back, and I'll do anything to make that happen. He'll see his mistakes by the time I'm done with him... Just you wait.


"Are you sure about this, Lil?"

I blinked on another coat of mascara as I answered, "Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

The brunette next to me fidgeted with her hands uncertainly, "Well, I just mean... He did tell you to leave him alone..."

I set the mascara wand aside and picked up a brand new tube of flirty pink lipstick. "He was just kidding. I know he still wants me, he just likes to play hard to get sometimes." I pursed my lips and applied the makeup as I listened to her reply.

She sighed, "I know, Lil, but he's been hanging around with that one girl a lo-"

I rolled my bright blue eyes and finally turned to her, a hand on my hip. "Tia, do not talk to me about that nerd. I don't know why the hell he's humoring her, but it's only temporary. I mean seriously, Kyle deserves the best and she is the farthest from the best that you can get." I turned back to the mirror for one last look-over, but I could see Tia frowning from the corner of my eye.

"Well, if he deserves the best, then why would he be with you?"

Oh, she did not just say that. I forced a smile and took a step toward her, our faces just an inch apart. "What did you just say?" I asked calmly, but made sure to lace in an undertone of venom.

Her green eyes widened in horror and she stuttered, "I-I I... I d-didn't m-meean-n th-that."

"Then what did you mean?" I asked in an icy voice.

She dropped her gaze and shrunk down a bit, obviously intimidated by me, which she had good reason to be. I mean, I'm not the most powerful girl in the school for nothing. "I meant you're perfect and he'd be lucky if you took him back..." she mumbled, nervously fingering her skirt.

I turned up my nose at her, "That's what I thought." I stepped back and fluffed up my black curls a bit before I asked, "Now, how do I look?"

She looked up and gave me a small smile that I could tell was fake. "Stunning Lil, as always."

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