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Mars' PoV
"Yes, Lily. You have to go."
"Why!" She wines as she puts on her shoes.
"Because you told him you needed help with your transfiguration work." Marlene says
"And because he wasn't a prat when he offered to help," I add, discreetly kicking her jacket under the bed, catching Marlene's eye. She nods.
"Don't worry, it isn't even a date." Alice adds from her bed.
"Yeah," she sighs.
"Plus you like him," I say under my breath.
"Nothing ," sings Marlene, pushing Lily's transfiguration notes and book into her hands and shoving her out the door, "you're going to be late!"
It was a warm Saturday afternoon, and at lunch the day before, Lily had complained about not understanding the transfiguration lesson, James, top of the class, had offered to help her. Both blushing furiously, Lily had accepted the offer and the arranged to meet in the library at nine o'clock.
"Hey Alice, want to come to our charms work with us down by the lake?" I ask.
"Oh," she says, looking a bit awkward, "Frank and I were going to..."
"Okay, catch you later," I say, winking at her.
Marlene and I grab our bags and leave Alice to primp.

We are left in peace, in the shade of a beach tree for an hour.
Just as I'm putting the final touches on my charms essay, we hear the sound of sloppy footsteps and familiar voices.
"I want a bit of a challenge you know, " says Sirius.
"Well of course," responds Remus, as they come into view. I can tell he is trying to keep a straight face.
"Ah look," Sirius says, strolling over to us. "Two of my favourite birds."
All I can do is stare at him as he flops next to Marlene, Pete and Remus stretch out a few feet away, both toting cauldron cakes and liccorice wands, looking like their ready for a show.
I notice the pale pink that creeps up Marlene's throat and cheeks as she tries to ingnore his proximity.
I tell my stomach to untie itself as he plays with her hair, trying to braid it, and as she shows him how, they laugh.
I try to block it out as I finish my essay's conclusion.
After a few minutes, he stands and brushes himself off, then says: "take a walk with me, love?"
"Alright then." She grabs his outstretched hand and they walk off into the edge of the forbidden forest.
Remus and Pete come sit by me, I dont say anything, I just read my charms essay.
"Hi," I respond absently.
"Cauldron cake?" Remus asks, a cake in his outstretched palm.
"No thank you," I say politely as possible.
Remus pull his arm back and chucks the cake into the lake, a tentical reaches out and snatches it from the air.
"You okay?" Peter asks me, looking concerned.
"Yeah, my stomach just hurts," I say. It isn't a lie.
"D'ya need to go to the hospital wing?" Asks Remus, scooting away just a little.
"Yeah." I decide
"I'll walk you," he offers. I just nod. "
"You stay Pete, and if padfoot comes back, tell him what happened."
"Got it. "
Remus helps me gather my things and then we set off for the hospital wing.

Sirius' PoV
"Marlene," I say as we walk through the trees. "I want to ask you something."
She nods and swallows hard.
"And thought maybe you'd prefer if in ask you in a more private setting.
"Yes?" She asks, thoroughly confused.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, trying to look nervous and convincing.
She looks taken aback.
Then she looks at me.
She has nice eyes. I can see the excitement and fear as she finally whispers: "yes."
And then I kiss her.

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