3. Weight of the world

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Court Road - Tottenham

It was 2 in the morning. Jasmine had just enjoyed a typical evening with her friends; smoking, drinking and watching boys try to impress them. She was on her way home and smiled to herself as she remembered how they had ran from the local corner shop owner after someone had squirted ketchup all over the windows.

The daughter of a BBC chief executive,She was young, rebellious and free, with a nice life and no worries of the future problems that her lifestyle might give her. But she had time. If she wanted to change she could. And she had a life she could live

Then she saw a black van. Nothing two unusual in a rural area but she hadn't seen it around before. Brain still fuzzy from the evening she dismissed it and kept walking on. Then  two figures stepped out. One was very tall, the other not as much, their faces covered by balaclavas. Quickly, they strided  towards Jasmine and she noticed a blade being pulled out from the taller's jacket pocket. She began to back off but she tripped on the curb and landed hard on the ground.

'In the van if you don't want to get stabbed' the taller one growled 

She scrambled into the back and raised her hands and feet for handcuffs. Knife holder clicked the straps much too tight and drew back. Jasmine heard her heavy breathing and pounding heart as heavy as the weight of the world. It was almost like she was an outsider watching through another person's eyes.

This was the first time she properly started taking it in and she started to panic as she realised she would probably die in a few hours. She tried to orientate herself but she was getting herself into a state of uncontrollable discomfort. The smaller man started doing up the body-bag, then before it closed, he undid the handcuffs slightly.
Then the syringe jabbed into her arm and the darkness closed in.   

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