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consider all the chapters before this and including this a sort of prologue. i've decided to make this story different from any of the werewolf love stories, i have an ending you'll never see coming. ;) (and no, there is no love triangle,iI hate them too.)


The full moon was soon and the rogue was still loose. It scared me so badly. I had been raised among werewolves, high class werewolves and the idea of someone trying to kill me gave me shivers. My wolf was scared too, she thought I was 'untrained' and the we wouldn't last five seconds. That totally helped my nerves.

I was with Lucas at the edge of the forest, breathing heavily. It was only my second full moon.

" Hey Lucas?" I asked.

" Yes?" He replied.

" I, uh, I'm sort of-" I started sheepishly.

" It's okay, nothing will happen to you," He assured me.

Memories flashed through my brain. Every book I've ever read, that's what the main character said. The male main character who always changed the female and she didn't even mind. I did mind, but I needed to stop thinking about this now since I felt my wolf taking over, I'd resume my discussions with myself later. But how could I stop myself from thinking like that?

My wolf would never think things like that. My wolf! I gave in to her, since I knew her as an intelligent being.

I had realized my wolf was more intelligent than others a few days ago, most werewolves only feel from the wolves, emotions and impulses. I hear actual words. This was both good and bad, it was good because I could give into her without going berserk. It was bad because I wasn't a monster, I didn't have natural fighting instincts. It was also bad because she was shy, just like me.

Red/black fur spread all over my body turning me wolf. Their were no new wolves this moon, so we didn't need to stay with out mates. That was good, because I was afraid if I stayed by Lucas, I would tell what was bothering me. The bad thing, Kelly went by unpunished. That pissed me off. I didn't say anything because everyone seemed to accept that Kelly had been mind controlled. They didn't even repeat the fact that she needed initiative to be mind controlled, she needed to be willing. Everyone had taken her side except Lucas, who felt obligated to take my side.

When I turned wolf, I was just as big as the others, but I was more...clumsy. I immediately blocked out those thoughts by letting my wolf take over, I didn't want to sound whiney.

My wolf was following the Alpha, not looking, following, or even making sure she was next to Lucas. Obviously she had the same thoughts as me.

Kelly howled and my adrenaline jumped. There was only six wolves here, Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Beta Male, Beta Female, Jared (Who was Third-In-Command) and Kelly (His mate). My wolf quickly ran next to Lucas. And looked at Kelly.

A wolf jumped from the shadows. Kelly had stopped us for him! He went straight for Lucas, and I, well my wolf had learned it's lesson. We still squealed together though and ran to him. The other wolves were tearing the rogue to pieces. She felt herself slide into Lucas's head for a moment.



I knew the type of mate I'd need. I'd need a mate I couldn't get serious with, that was why I joined this pack in the first place. If I got serious with my mate it could get disastrous, and I couldn't lose control, not again. I felt bad about it, but reminded myself that if it wasn't me, it would be some other male, except one the was brainless.

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