Chapter 3

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I scream then I felt like my body froze. They all look at me weirdly and then they look at JB. "Aish,JB hyung" Youngjae said. He just gave that cold look. "She kept screaming and that hurts my ear" he said and I scoffed.

Wait I can move again. "What are you guys doing here! GET OUT!" I said, "relax we came here through your bag. " bag?" I said they all nod. "Care to leave before I called the police" I said. "Okay we are not tresspasing clearly we came through your bag" I scoffed and then check my bag. "What the hell I must be dreaming" I mumble. "Nope you're not dreaming Ji Su" I heard Jinyoung said.

"Let us explain" JB said "we are your guardian angles" Youngjae said keeping that smile on his face. I look at them unfazed "Guardian angles are not real now get out!" I said and all of them sigh.

"Mind if we show you if it's real or not" Mark said clearly annoyed. I nod and smirk. " Jackson the stage is yours" Mark said and Jackson smiles. I felt my hand is on fire. "ah ah ah!!" I scream and then the fire went down again I felt strong wind on my hand I look at Jackson his hand were on fire! And Youngjae he was blowing strong wind!.

I mentally slap myself "okay this is not a dream" I said "see" Mark said clearly winning. I sigh. "Okay fine why me out of all people?" I said and sit at the edge of my bed. "Because you're the most sad people we see" Youngjae said Jackson and the others came swarming on my bed. "Yah yah" I said. "Okay that's all? All the people in the world are more sadder than me and then you guys pick me" I said.

"Not just that our purpose is to make you happy, and we're gonna protect you from all the bullies " JB said "okay I believe you how many days am I gonna stick with u?" I said "we don't know either might be years months" Bambam said and I look at them "years? Months!?" I said they all nod.

"If you laugh or shed tears of happiness we will be gone from your life and you will not remember any of us" Yugyeom said. I nod "all I need is to just shed tears of happiness?" I said "maybe" Jinyoung said. "Okay okay I believe you" I said. I got up from my bed to make my dinner. "Hey where are you going?" Jackson ask
"Dinner" I said and then go to the kitchen with 7 boys followed me like a lost puppy.

"What?" I ask them "nothing we're hungry" Youngjae said and I shook my head. "What dinner do you guys want?" I said "heol, for a second you trying to kick us out then offer us dinner what's next gonna cook us?" Mark said I glares at him "yeah maybe tomorrow you probably won't be alive" I said and take out the ingerdients.

I cook them dinner and we all done eating I get to know them better they were all nice. "He Ji Su?" Youngjae came to me "hm" I said. "I saw your room earlier and you like to read fantasy stories?" I nod "they made me escape from this harsh reality" I said he nod with the 'oooooh' sound.

I heard noises outside the door and it was JIN
"Of fuck" I cursed beside Youngjae and he looked at me shock, "hide now!" I screamed and all them look at me weirdly. "JUST HIDE PPALI!" I said and they all were gone just in a blink. "Wait where did they go?" I said and the door were open "h.. hey hyung" I said and he looked at me smiling widely.

"Hello Ji Ji" he said and I chuckle. "Well I'm going to my room see you" I said and he stopped me.

"Our parents... Are coming to town-" I cutt him off " I won't visit them" I said and went to my room and slam the door. I sit on the bed sighing. Suddenly 7 dolls went to me and talk to me. "Dolls can talk?" I said I have no energy to scream. "Ji Su ah are you okay?" That's Jackson voice I grab him and he was wet I notice my table were wet. "Hehe sorry we were fighting and the water spilled it got on all of us so we can't transform back into a human unless we all are dried." Jackson explain and I put Jackson down and open a fan beside my bed and gesture them to come here. They all did "sit in front and you guys will dried up in a couple of minutes I'm going to sleep good night" I said and plopped on my bed.

Jin you know I don't want to visit them after what they did to us I thought and carefully went to sleep.

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