Chapter 16

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Clara was sitting comfortably on Leo's lap. They were all alone in the gazebo with only the stars as witnesses to their love. Leo kept kissing her and nuzzling her, he couldn't help it. It felt like he was holding his wife after what seemed like an eternity.

He could hardly believe his luck. He'd always thought that he wasn't destined to be completely happy. But it seemed like god had more than made up for his terrible childhood.

He had a beautiful and loving wife and he had a daughter. He couldn't refer to Isabelle as just his ward anymore. They were a family now, a family he was more than happy to expand, he thought wickedly.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, mon coeur. And I should've spoken about my parents earlier.."

Clara put a finger on his lips.

He shook his head. He had to talk this time, he wanted to.

"No, I want to tell you."

She just sat like that, stroking his hair, waiting for him to continue.

"My father was mad about my mother, she was a great beauty and part French. I don't know why she chose to stray, I was too young to understand what exactly was happening and confront her. But I knew it was wrong. I used to see my father weep in his study, clutching his bottle of rum every time my mom 'entertained' one of her lovers. He was too weak to stop her. I spent my entire childhood alone, the servants would throw me pitying glances."

Clara was looking at her husband's face closely. He looked like he was so much pain, it undid her. She couldn't bear to watch him that way. But he wasn't done yet.

"When I found Crane, my life changed. I wasn't the 'poor lonely child' anymore. I wasn't as charming, as boisterous as him, but I had some life in me. I could finally behave like a normal boy. I never missed my parents, I never missed that wretched house. And one might think that I didn't like it when Annie came into his life because he didn't give me as much time as before. But that's not correct. I genuinely grew fond of her, I couldn't help it. She was just as charming and funny as Crane. Besides, I was busy with my studies by then and hardly felt his absence."

Leo's hold on her hand tightened a bit. She squeezed his hand in return.

"I lost both of them. But I have you and Isabelle now. And I'll make sure neither of you ever feels unloved or uncared for. I also have a more selfish reason to care for Isabelle. It's my way of thanking Crane and Annie for everything they ever did for me."

He smiled at Clara, seemingly at peace and she smiled back. He had finally accepted his friends' loss and was trying to move forward. He would never be rid of the pain entirely, but still.

They sat still for a few minutes, because it didn't seem like they needed to speak. The silence was comfortable, companionable.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" Clara asked softly.

"I wish to tell you that I'm really proud of you. I heard about the success of your new book. I think I know who the "greedy vulture - Roberta" is," he laughed and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I was rather obvious, was I not?" she giggled. Pleased that he'd read it.

Just then they heard a twig break and then some muttering.

They immediately got up to find a very angry Rebecca emerging from the bushes with as much dignity as one could muster when they had twigs and leaves adorning their coiffure.

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