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Sienna's POV

"Sienna!" I turned around to be greeted once again by, Liam. The past two weeks we've been.. hanging out. I guess you could call it dating but neither of us had talked about it that much. "Hey Liam." I replied with a smile. He wrapped his arms around the small of my back and looked down at me.
He was tall but definitely not as tall as Nathan. I cursed myself for comparing him to Nathan but I couldn't help it. My feelings for Nathan had in no way disappeared, no matter how much I wanted them too. Especially after that kiss. "Last night was incredible." He murmured and I blushed. Last night we went to dinner and then I invited him back home. Nothing happened, but he met Nina and Tyler and it was just a really fun time. I knew I was starting to look at Liam as a friend and nothing more but I needed a distraction from Nathan. More importantly him and Crystal.

He was dating Crystal again. He didn't exactly tell me, but she's been calling and showing up whenever she wants. A fun fact is that she loves PDA. I learned that the hard way. "Sienna?" Liam asked concern written on his face. "Sorry. Work." I murmured and he nodded. "I'll call you later okay? I'm going to see Allie." His hands left my back and the cold shivered me. Allie was his sister and that's all I knew. He visits her every day which is seriously nice. I have no idea why she's here but I don't pry. I figure Liam will tell me when he's ready. I shifted my bag on my shoulder and slowly walked to the elevator.

Nathan and me made a compromise so whenever I work,- like right now, he minds them and when he works I mind them. Ultimately they always stay at my house because that's where all their stuff is and Nathan's never said he doesn't like it. Some nights he even stays in the guest room but we don't talk that much. We act more like a divorced couple, we basically avoid each other like the plague. I was hoping we might, overtime, even form some sort of friendship but I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon.

"Nathan?" I called as soon as I opened the front door. I was beyond exhausted and I needed an early night but I desperately wanted to see the twins. I missed them. "Nathan?" I questioned again getting no response. I walked into the kitchen and found him sitting at the counter, papers scattered everywhere. He looked stressed as he stared down at the tons of forms and work related papers. His head shot up to mine as I entered and I raised a brow.

"Fuck. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Do you want a coffee?" He questioned.

"No.. Are you okay?" I questioned and he looked up at me shock flashing in his eyes. But it was gone as soon as I noticed it.

"Yeah.. I'm- I'm fine." He replied sounding like he was trying to convince himself.

"Yeah right. What's going on?" I questioned and he sighed.

"It's work okay? I have to fire a few people." He murmured and I nodded.

"My parents use to hate firing people. Just put all your feelings aside and think about who's good and who can improve. Your decision should be easier then." I said and he nodded.

"Thanks so much Sienna. Can I stay over tonight?" He questioned and I nodded.

"Course." I murmured.

I placed my bag on the counter and jogged upstairs. I looked in on my two precious diamonds, sleeping soundly. Thankfully Nina's fever calmed down a few days later and Tyler didn't catch it. I was beyond relived and I don't know how I'll deal with sending them away to school when they're older. Realising I should probably get to bed too, I laid out pyjamas and started looking for my phone. Quickly remembering it was downstairs I walked to the kitchen.

"Nathan?" I questioned as I realised he was standing at the counter, my phone in his hand an angry expression on his face. His eyes shot to mine and his angry expression didn't falter. "What are you doing on my phone?!" I questioned and he rolled his eyes. "Liam wants to know if he can come over. Are you dating the guy?!" He questioned and I rolled my eyes. "Yes Nathan, I'm dating him. Not that you have any say in that." I bit back and he sighed angrily. "You can't date this asshole Sienna." He growled and I rolled my eyes. "Oh and you know him so well? Nathan I'm not your property. We're not dating remember? You can't boss me around. Don't snoop through my phone again." I grabbed it off him and stormed upstairs angrily.

I threw on my pyjamas which consisted of some, short-shorts and a tight tee that was way too small for me. I definitely should go out and buy pyjamas but right now I have bigger things on my mind.

"Sienna?" A knock loudly filled my room and I sighed. "What do you want Nathan?" I questioned opening the door. He was wearing a white tee and his boxers, guessing he doesn't own much pyjamas either. His eyes trailed up and down my body and I nearly shivered under his heavy gaze. "I'm sorry. Its just imagining another guy touching you, it makes me see red Sienna. It  should be me, not him." His sudden confession caused my eyes to widen in shock. I bit my lip nervously, what the hell do I say! "Don't- fuck. Don't do that Sienna." My shocked expression didn't falter as I released my lip and it was captured in his.

My mind wasn't even processing that Nathan was kissing me but my body is. I clung onto his hair as he wrapped his arm around my waist, where Liam had touched just hours before. My mind was screaming at me to stop, as I was technically cheating but I couldn't stop. Nathan was addictive and I guess you could say I was an addict.

He crashed us into my bedroom wall and stopped briefly to hook his arms under my legs. He hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around my waist as he attacked my neck with kisses. It gave me a minute to breath, and to think. Liam never said we were exclusive right? For all I know he's dating someone else too. Even though a part of me knew it was bad I shrugged it off. We weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. But then my mind reeled to Crystal and my heart nearly stopped. She may be a crazy person to me but Nathan had still gone back to her. Which meant that he was engaged and his fiancée was probably sleeping alone in their bed right now.

"Nathan," I said forcing the words out of my mouth. "Hmm?" He replied not stopping his sweet torture. "We can't- we.." I stopped briefly as he stopped and looked at me, his hands still wrapped around my waist. "What?" He asked and I drew in a breath. He really did look handsome with his face so close to mine. "Your engaged." I forced out and he sighed. "It's my mom Sienna. I have no feelings for her. She's threatening to fire me." He said his eyes only holding sincerity. "Liam.." I trailed off and suddenly I was released. "Right. Your cheating on your precious boyfriend." He sarcastically replied and I sighed.

"He's not my boyfriend Nate. We're just.. We're just dating." I said and he glanced at me. "Then why are we stopping?" He almost whispered and I frowned. Why we are we stopping? "We talked about this. You know it won't work. I don't want drama." I said and he suddenly inched closer to me. "Fine. Tell me to go. Tell me to leave right this instant and I will." His blue eyes held my brown ones with such intensity I nearly looked away. "Nathan-"

"Just tell me to leave and I will. I won't say a word and we can carry on with are lives. Just not together." He said and I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off again by my door was swinging open.

Revealing a worried looking Liam.

Why do we always get interrupted?

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