University for the loved: Chapter 2

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Taking a few calming breaths, I step out of my black Mercedes careful to not draw any unwanted attention. Not that I would be cared for, im simply invisible to the human eye, but this is college, things can change or be different from high school, did I want to be known as a loser here to? Mom climbs out the passenger seat slamming the door as we take in the our surroundings.  We were in the parking lot for the college U.F.T.L, University for the labeled. Whatever that meant. There wasnt much in the parking lot but cars and dead dried up leaves and grass. There was a big black and silver fence that stretched easily around the gigantic university. " Im guessing we'll be headed that way" Mom says, grabbing one of my suitcases as we walk up to the huge fence. I press my hands up to the cool bars and surprisingly, it opened. I tilt my head sideways to see the diffrent faces of people in all the different directions. " Mom, are you sure its not too late to head back home?" I ask, pointing one of my long fingers in the direction of the car. " Sorry Alex, were already here, just think of the great future ahead of you here though! My little wubkins all grown up!" I grunt and start to feel myself blushing when people look in my direction. I wasn't expecting the attention to be driven to

me directly. I grab the rest of my bags and walk inside the large building igonoring the stares and whispers of others. Exactly what were they so interested in? im in a college and all the attention is on me? Sooo uncalled for. My mom takes a seat on one of the benches while I head in the direction of a solid black door with the words MAIN OFFICE printed in big letters thats seemed to be chipping off. I walk to the front desk and a women with a scrunched up face and curly hair smiles at me. Or at least tryed to. She looked like a sun baked saggy burrito, which doesnt taste to bad if you've actually tried it. " May I help you?" I sigh, and take a deep breath before adding " Yes, im Alex Parks, im here to get my schedule and room key". I state looking at the plain sight around me. "Ok, well hold on now dear, I have some paperwork to look through." I nod my head and take that as my chance to look around. The room was basically empty except for the doors and desks sourrounding the area. The walls were a creamy white and the furniture was a dark violet. Not seeing anything that matches the color scheme exactly. " Ms. Parks, I have your papers and keys you need. Grab your belongings and go down the green corridor, you will understand what im talking about if you walk a little further down the hall". I smile and grab the paper and key. Outside I walk onto the grass in search for my mother. Of course, she would be talking it up with the other students as they give her funny looks. I grit my teeth together and try to focus on getting her attention, she can not be ruining my four years here too! I call her name, and she smiles and walks towards me handing me my bag. " I guess I should get going now, your a big girl and im sure you can handle yourself, BEHAVE!" She rises her voice on the last part but I nod give her a hug and walk off. I know better than to give my attention to mom these days. I've known since the day dad left screaming how crazy she was.

Entering my room, I couldnt help but smile. The room was perfect. Baby blue walls with little clouds painted over them in  the same creamy white color I saw in the main office. There was two beds at opposite walls, two dressers, two of everything except the T.V.. I couldn't wait to see my roomate either, im pretty sure we would hit it off right away. It toke a near thiry minutes to finish unpacking my stuff. I plop down on my bed facing my wall where the shelves lay. I carefully place down the Christmas cards, birthday cards, and snow globes from my collection.  I thought it was genuinely cool for me to like snow globes. " Your my roomate?" I whip my head in the direction of the noise nearly knocking over my knick-knacks to. The most prettiest girl I could ever lay eyes on was staring at me. And I was staring at her.

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