18th Part 1

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Fear gripped the individuality of the Academy High students.

A tremor racked their bodies as they stayed huddled in the auditorium, the doors barred shut and a fearsome silence lingering in the air. The crimson moon casted a fiery red glow, upon the stained windows of the room as it created a shade of blood red on the atmosphere. Silence seemed dense in the air as the only things that could slice it in half were the shaky breaths of the terrified students. Right outside of the door,she stood.

The devil himself in the form of a young adult.

Her black hair were replaced by a white long mane, two midnight horns protruding from her skull. Her once lovely green eyes, were filled with emptiness and malice. Her long and elegant limbs were replaced with sharp deadly claws and a pair of hairy hooves, that sat immobile on the cold hard tile. She couldn't recall when she begun to change nor when her humanity started to slip away. All she could remember was that it all started the other day, when the smell of blood seemed to awaken something in her.

Something demonic.


"Alice wait up!" a screeching voice arrived in my hearing as a soft body pummeled against my own. I feigned slight pain while rubbing the place that my best friend hit.

"Ow...what the heck are you doing so early in the morning?" i opened my lips and allowed a whine to escape as I glanced sideways at my cheery red haired friend with a small pout. She chuckled lightly and playfully punched my shoulder.

"You're such a baby, Alice..." she teasingly said, a smirk comfortably sitting on her elongated face. She was one of those people that acquired genetically the beauty of a goddess, yet mentally she remained unstable. We all were, in the long run. It was no surprise after all that we attended the school of monstrosities as some kind youths say. 

Our high school, was no ordinary playground. It was a mental facility that included many types of "crazy" people. It was rumored to be one of its kind, when it was founded in 1969 by a fruitless man that craved for attention. He was no less crazy than any of us. Anyhow, by the power of the government, he initiated his "reformation" plan. The whole institutionalized part,however, was concealed by the advertisement of a friendly place that would assist mentally challenged kids reform back to society. Yeah, i call bullshit on that one.

He aspired to be a lab scientist so there's really no surprise at the fact that he literally built his own experimental laboratory with his main subject being, us. I don't think I made a proper introduction, have I?



NAME- Alice Smith

AGE - 18

ORIGIN - Unknown



CAUSE- Sever case of self abuse, erratic behavior towards others, physical attack towards others, insomnia, insanity.


Now that's much better.

"Alice are you planning to murder someone again?" a small voice brought me out of my daze as I lied my eyes once again back to the red headed idiot that kept rambling about useless things. I gave her a crooked smile and shrugged teasing her.

"I don't know....maybe?"I lifted my eyebrows and nodded my head, as her eyes widened and she placed her hands on her stomach, a loud laugh shaking her body. She was truly an idiot. 

"Haha what's that? You know how it went the last time, so just you agreeing to the word "murder" means a lot of trouble for the rest of us." she bossily exclaimed in a cheeky manner, as she placed her hands on her waist, cocking it to the left. It was true. I've done plenty of murder attempts in my lifetime as I kept coming across people that really brought out my inner demon. Including my parents, yet that's a sob story for another time. I snapped my head forward as a very familiar voice was heard and saw none other than the definition of mockery itself. His messy black hair resembled a mop and his yellow eyes seemed very similar to our every day yolk. However, for many female students, he was the definition of beauty and a 'must have' for prom. 

Yup, even the most deranged of high school's have the most popular event of the year.

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