12th Part 2

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He finally arrived.

He stopped his mare from moving as a chill ran down his spine, keeping his eyes fixated unto the unholy land of the coven's. His death awaited beyond those graphite steel gates and the hidden mark started to burn his already deformed neck. A voice broke the silence of the wind.

"Noble man, you have arrived to the land of the hellish hags. Please speak your reason or let your corpse saturate the hunger of a thousand mutts." A female voice whispered through the now calm atmosphere that surrounded the island. Enticing his inner man, the king jumped off his horse and froze the moment his feet touched the enchanted soil. He didn't allow fear to conquer as he lifted his head and exclaimed loud and clear, in a determined voice.

"I am here for La Muerta. I challenged thee and lost, approaching your hellish entrance for redemption." His voice reverberated as a loud cackle seemingly filled the air with dread and malice. The king knew perfectly well that he now treaded on dangerous territory.

"You foolish mortal.." a disembodied Voice startled him as he sharply turned his head around to surprisingly witness a female dressed in all white. People had this usual superstition that witches resembled old women dresses in black as they recoil I'm their deformities and cherish the young blood of virgin girls. That perception was far from the truth.

They were calculative beings. They had acquired a sense of reason and their intelligence was far more superior than that of a meer human"s.However, their appearance was also straying from the usual stereotypes that peasants had formed.

They were tall, enticing creatures with long, luscious hair and a full pale figure. He didn't feel any hunting of surprise as urges of arousal and erotic completion racked his body. The enchantress smiled viciously at his seemingly arousal that created an alluring stench in the air. Yet she didn't attempt anything, no matter how much her inner woman stood in attention.

"La Muerta is our queen. What must you have done for her to want to-" she stopped her words as something clicked on her mind. She seductively approached the king and stood with her warm body flushed against his radiant golden armor. He gulped loudly and she smirked, parting his ashy hair to the side. Her hand shit to her mouth and she laughed.

"You have her mark! You have the queen's mark!"she exclaimed in a melodic, yet excited voice as she took a few steps away from him and pointed a delicate finger to his nervous form. He didn't desire to deal with this witch. He was unable to visit the underworld by her hands  anyway,  since the only person who could end his life is La Muerta herself.

"Since you're up for a faithful night, you foolish king, I'll take you to her myself. And beware, cause if you anger the priestess, she'll do more than a spell." She lifted her other hand and with a wide smile, she chanted a teleportation spell. Her eyes turned midnight black as her hands were enlightened with a crimson glow.

" Deorum de tenebris: exaudi preces meas, hoc est viventem fugere mortem appetit. Adiutor meus et finis ejus imperio fiat semper!"  Her voice evidently deepened as she spoke the final words. A black mist surrounded the king's body and in immense astonishment evaporated his image, suffocating him into the oh so familiar darkness.

"Wake up you pest!" Another female voice commanded his conscience to arouse from its deep sleep. He woke up with a start. Fluttering his eyes, he turned his head towards the source of the powerful voice and noticed none other than the ex-wife of his previous mentor that also happened to be the king that ruled the land before him.

"La Muerta we meet again."he curtly said as he sat up from the altar that has been his resting place. She was mesmerising, yet lethal. She wore a dark ivory tunic that had embroidered two golden wings on her breasts. Her midnight hair, sat on top of her delicate head in an intricate braid that fell to her ankles. Her cerulean blue eyes sat besides a long, slender nose and upwards from a pair of bright red slim lips. She was the definition of beauty and that was not a surprise as she did hold the status of a High Priestess.

"You dare to call me by my name, you disrespectful fool!"she pointed a finger at him, an invisible power, forcing him to his knees with a loud grunt. He didn't dare to look up as he knew that her fury would be increased. Instead he chose to lower his head in submission and stay immobile into that shameful position.

He deserved every bit of this punishment. That thought plagued his mind as the priestess spoke once again, a calmer tone seeping into her voice. "You're aware of what must be done to lift the curse?" She questioned in a strict tone as she lifted her head upwards, towards the midnight sky as if taking power from the moon. The king slightly nodded and remained speechless as the enchantress approached him, kneeling in front of his form. She grabbed his rough face, placing her now enlightened hands on his cheeks and lifted it towards her level. She allowed him to stare into her blackened eyes as she initiated the shortened ritual.

" Albeus Maximus Correor, you're deemed guilty for mistreating a witch and her actions. You're sentenced to a life filled with hatred and malice as the thing that you love the most. You'll remain in your castle's garden as the tree of terror, your main goal to spread horror and despair to your once affectionate people. Fail to do so, and you'll end up in a state of Limbo , witnessing the future death of your loved ones until your mind breaks and your mentality weakens. Shall you succeed, you'll be granted the sweet gift of eternal death."she muttered stoically as she stood up and placed softly one of her enlightened hands on top of his head.

" Nyx hic homo pleas.This meam humilem fecit mihi iniuriam, et quaerite in justitia. Sicut servus tuus fidelis, Ora pro auxilio. Turn eius fatum in provocationem vitam et mortem. Adduc mutentque speciem in odium prope insanire. Magis illud est."

The ritual was completed. Ashe fell into darkness, his soul became restless and a great amount of pain erupted from his loins. He screamed in agony as he felt his appearance change. He was no longer a human. He felt no longer sympathy for their life and problems. He wanted nothing more than to please the goddess so to grant him his release. He smiled.

This was going to be fun.

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