The PMDAs with a Side of Taco Bell

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Chapter 2: The PMDAs with a Side of Taco Bell

The limo was very fancy and smelled like fresh vegetables that were just picked from the garden of an elderly woman who lived with her old husband in the middle of no where with a dog and 6 cats. On the way to their destination, they noticed that out the window, everything seemed normal, like an apocalypse never happend. The grass was green, the streets were very clean, and people were still alive. Up ahead was a giant house, that looked just like the White House in Washington DC in the USA.

"Why is the white house here in Canada?" Camila said confused. "Is Obama there?!"

"Obama?" Ivanka laughed. "You do know his 4 years of presidency are up right?"

"4 years...?" Liam stood up but bumped his head on the low limo roof. "He has only been president for 2 years no? He still should have another 2 to go!"

"Um...its already 2017..." Ivanka pulled out a calender from her pocket and pointed at the year and month. "Almost 2018..."

"Wait...wasn't it just 2015?" Harry said counting with his fingers.

"Well..." Gysselle scratched her head. "Time flows differently inside the ramen temple..."

"What do you mean differently?!" Liam shouted.

"Well, we were at the temple for a few days so in the outside it was a few years..."The group stood there in shock, wondering what they have missed in their 2 year absence.

"Okay um..." Ivanka said trying to understand what they are talking about. "I have no idea what your talking about and I don't really care." The door of the limo opened and Ivanka took a step out. "We are here." Infront of them was the White House. They all began to walk into the house, which looks exactly the same as the original in the USA. They walked into a room which was very beautiful. There was a big red carpet in the middle of the room, a fireplace which was lit filled the room with the smell of ashes and death, some couches, a table, and huge family portrait of the entire Trump Family. Ivanka was there, as well as a small boy and an older one, a woman, and Donald Trump who suprisingly looked more human than before when they encountered him in the forest. The group took a seat around the table and Ivanka began to speak. "So, the PMDAs."

"What is that exactly?" Niall questioned trying to figure it out himself.

"Many talented artists, just like yourself, will be battling it out in a worldwide competition to win title of World Champions." Ivanka pulled out a list of the people competing. Everyone read the list, but something caught Camila's eye.

"Fifth Harmony is performing?!" Camila gasped. "Without me?!"

"Well you did say you were going solo..." Liam said scratching his back.

"Ya but I didn't think they'd move on so fast..." Camila said looking down.

"Its been 2 years sweaty." Ivanka said crossing her legs. "Well anyways, you guys are just in time for the competition. The first round is going to take place here in Canada, then round 2 in Japan, round 3 in Korea, and will keep going from continent to continent until the final round in the land of the free, the USA!" An American flag sprung from the wall and began flailing in the wind, even though no wind was passing through the room.

"WAIT WAIT WAAAIIT!" Harry finally interupted. "What about the apocalypse?!"

Ivanka closed her eyes and stood up. "This competition isn't just fun and games...its a distraction to keep the people calm and the countries in peace. As the President of the United States, my father, Donald Trump has a duty to make the world a better and sane place."

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