Important Blunts

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Chapter 3: Important Blunts

Christine and Elijah's apartment wasn't too far away from the taco bell so they arrived just in time before the curfew.

"There's a curfew here?" Louis asked.

"Yea it sucks but it keeps us safe." Elijah said stretching. "We must all be home by 10pm."

"Why 10pm?" Gysselle asked writing notes in her ramen notebook.

"You haven't noticed?" Christine asked unlocking the door to the apartment. "The zombies get very aggressive at night now and even get stronger!"

"It's like they are evolving..." Elijah said looking up at the night sky. "Becoming stronger to defeat us and take over the world." The group walked into their apartment where they were greated by a pitbul who jumped up and licked Christine's face, cleaning off the taco crumbs from earlier. They walked through the small apartment and lead them to a room. "You guys can stay here tonight. It might be a little crowded for 5 people so you guys can take the couches too if you want."

"Not the red couch though." Christine said pointing at the red couch. "I'm sleeping there." The group put there stuff down and got some good rest. They had the most comfortable sleep they have ever had since leaving the Ramen temple. Harry dreamed of performing with 1D, Niall dreamed of nothing, Gysselle dreamed of Ramen, Louis dreamed of Harry, and Liam dreamed of Ivanka's peaches. They awoke the next morning and got their stuff ready to find the Fidget Spinner clan.

"Fidget spinners?" Christine cringed. "I hate those things, I don't know why people like them."

"Ya they suddenly appeared here in the city out of no where once the apocalypse started." Elijah scratched his head. "I'm guessing they were made to help with the stress but I think it is some conspiracy of the government or something."

"Just like the competition?" Gysselle crossed her arms.

"I bet there is a lot of things that the government is hiding from us now." Elijah said. "Especially since Obama suddenly went missing after Trump became president."

"I don't even know how he won tbh." Christine sighed. "Hilary Clinton obviously had the votes."

"Hillary Clinton?!" Louis gasped. "But we-"

"I'm sure we have a lot of questions right now..." Harry interrupted. " but we have something we should be doing right now."

"Well, see you guys at the competition!" Elijah said pulling out a blunt from his pocket.

"Ya we also have some important business to take care of." Christine nodded and pushed them out the door. The group headed out of the apartment and waved to Elijah and Christine as they departed towards the Fidget Spinner Clan.

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