On the Road Again

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Book 2 of the One Direction vs. The Apocalypse Series
Part 1: The PMDAs
Chapter 1: On the Road Again

One Direction, Camila Cabello, and Gysselle were now heading towards Canada to protect the Fidget Spinning Clan from the evils in Canada. They journeyed through city to city, defeating zombies left and right. There was one thing that was bothering everyone ever since they left the Ramen Temple, they haven't found any more survivors in any of the places they've passed through. They have been traveling for almost 2 months now and have no idea where they were.

"I have no idea where we are." said Niall looking at their very worn out map that Chela gave them that was suprisingly not made of ramen, but regular paper.

"Well we were just in Oregon, which we can confirm has no survivors, so up we should be heading towards Washington." Gysselle said stretching her arms.

"Washington DC?!" Camila gasped. "OMG ARE WE GONNA MEET OBAMA?!"

"No you idiot." Liam sighed. "Washington State, we are no where near DC."

"I was kidding! Hahaha!" Camila giggled.

"I miss Zayn..." Harry cried. "Did we really have to leave him at the temple?"

"It was the only way to cure him." Gysselle said. "Chela said she might have some ideas of making a vaccine to cure everyone."

"I know..." Harry sighed and walked towards Louis to hug him. "At least I still have you guys."

"W-Well anyways, we should rest here its getting dark." Louis blushed and hid his face in his bag, taking out his tent. Everyone else began getting ready for the night and rest.

The next morning, they packed up their stuff and continued towards Canada, passing more towns and still no sign of survivors.

"Its strange how we haven't seen any sign of human beings for this long..." Camila said worriedly. "You don't think the zombies overpowered everyone...do you?"

"Lets hope not..." Gysselle said scratching her head.

"HEY GUYS!" Niall shouted pointing out ahead them. "ITS CANADA!!" Up ahead was a giant sign the read Welcome to Canada!

"We finally made it!" Louis sighed in relief. They all ran towards the sign which was over a hill. They ran faster and faster until finally reaching the top of the hill. Looking out ahead, they stood in shock as to what they are seeing. Out ahead were thousands of zombies trapped outside the border of Canada and held together by some fences put around the area to keep them from moving.

"How the hell are we supposed to get passed those zombies?!" Liam said with his eyes wide open.

"The entire border of Canada is sealed of with a wall that stretches for miles..." Gysselle said looking around for another way through. "We could try to find another entrance but it could take some time."

"What are we going to do...?" Camila said as she sat down on the grass putting her hands to her head to think. They all did the same for about 23 minutes until someone got an idea.

"I have an idea!" Harry said standing up. "Instead of going around them, why don't we just go through them!"

"Boi do you wanna die?" Camila said shaking her head. "You really think we will make it through there alive?!"

"Not if we use this!" Harry said taking out a cup of shrimp flavored Ramen. "Oscar gave me so many of these, he said zombies hate this stuff."

"So if we put this on our bodies the zombies will avoid us?" Gysselle said picking up a cup and smelling it.

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