Library [Peter Parker]

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You were looking for a book in the Library, but you find something better: Peter Parker

You enter the huge library across the street. You were looking for (choose a book) and you go towards the right section.

After a few minutes you find it. As you pull the book from the bookshelf you see someone dropping some books. You go over and help him.

"Thank you" he says

You are about to respond when you look at him in the eyes. His brown eyes are stuck in yours.
After a few seconds he speaks up while fixing his own brown hair

"I'm Peter"


He picks up all his books and you both get up

"Are you from around here?"

"No I'm from Queens, but I think I'm going to be around here more often from now. We don't have girls this beautiful in Queens"

You blush

"Well thank you"

"Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?"


You and Peter walk together towards the exit
While you were talking you realize you forget the book.

That can wait until tomorrow right?

This one really sucks sorry♡

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