Part Three

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Thank you all so much for the amazing feedback. Here is the third and final part to this little story. I hope you enjoy it. I couldn't resist going for the fluffy ending so thanks in advance for indulging me with that. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Xoxo

The world isn't over.
We can always start over
No weight on our shoulder
Living a life with no regrets
Life with no regret

No Regrets by MAGIC!

They'd had a second and third date over the last month, along with their usual Saturday run. Those dates ended much more comfortably, although not in the bedroom which was probably a good thing up until now as much as Jay's libido begged to differ. The cold showers Jay needed to take after each one were worth it though to make sure they did things right this time and he knew the slow burn that was building between them would be worth it when they finally came together.

He secretly hoped that would be tonight. Erin had called him this morning asking to see him after being gone for just over a week on a case and he had no reservations about saying yes. His own work had kept him busy all week thanks to New Yorks healthy crime rate and studying for the sergeants exam. Their communication had been sporadic while she was gone, something she'd given him a heads up would happen, since she'd spent most of that time undercover. He felt uneasy not knowing where she was or what kind of danger she was in and knew from her comments to him that she also found it strange not working together. But they'd agreed having separate work lives at the moment was probably healthier for them both.

There was one big upside to not having to 'keep it professional' and that was how much more relaxed they were in public, acting more like a couple this time around. There was no worrying about running into bosses or colleagues. Even thought they'd been out as a couple in Chicago they still both felt the pressure to make sure they were taken seriously and had kept things fairly low key when they were out. Jay never wanted anyone to get the wrong impression of Erin. It was unfair how female cops were judged, especially if they dated other cops. So although neither of them were huge on pda it was nice to hold her hand and steal kisses whenever he wanted as they wandered through the city now.

It was during a particularly heated kiss by the water that Jay had the misfortune of discovering Erin had also moved on during their year apart, something he knew was likely but didn't want to admit to himself. Hearing her name called by a deep voice had Erin pulling her lips away from his and turning to see who was approaching them.

"Ryan?" She said with surprise and shifted her weight uncomfortably as she looked between Jay and the approaching man. Jay took stock of man, nearly as tall as him. His broad shoulders and few days growth of facial hair contradicted the neat dress shirt and pressed slacks he wore. "How are you? This is, umm..."

"You must be Jay," Ryan said pleasantly enough, sticking his hand out. Jay took the offered hand to be polite but he wasn't sure if he wanted to be polite or deck this guy for the way he'd let his eyes roam over Erin's body. "Ryan Bachmann. Nice to have a face to go with the name." Jay noticed Ryan's tone didn't hold the enthusiasm it should have for the statement and his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Wish I could say the same," Jay said, looking to Erin to fill him in.

"You probably don't," she muttered. "It's nice to see you," she offered Ryan.

He let out a small laugh, "yeah, you too, you look good. Happy." Erin only nodded. "I'm glad. Look I didn't mean to interrupt, just thought I'd say hi since I saw you there. It was good to see you," he said. Jay tightened his hands into fists in his pockets to keep from ripping the guy off Erin when he gave her a hug, one Jay felt had a little too much familiarity in it for his liking. He stood quiet as Erin watched Ryan walk away.

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