Chapter Thirteen

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2 Years Later

Eve is now five years old, and you know what that means. Kindergarten.

Loud crying filled the car, Eve was crying, no scratch that. She was squalling. Her face was flushed red and tears stained her cheeks, it broke Fergal's heart as he drove to the little elemantary school not far from where they lived.

Fergal: Eve, please stop, I know you don't want to do this, but I'm sure you'll be fine!

He had finally made it to the school and quickly got Eve from the back seat. At least she had stopped crying. Fergal placed her to her feet and held her hand.

Eve: I'm scared

Fergal: I know sweetheart, but I promise you're gonna love it.

He placed Eve's little adventure time themed backpack on her shoulders and they both walked into the school, making her way to her class down the hall after sighning Eve in at the office. Fergal squatted down to his daughter's eyelevel, gently brushing her brings from her eyes.

Fergal: you'll do great, don't worry. OK?

Eve: OK. Bye Dad, I love you.

Fergal:  Love you too, now hurry, don't be late.

He kissed her on the cheek and left the school. Eve quickly went into her classroom.

Mary's P.O.V
I walked through the doorway of my classroom to see rowdy students, I quickly found my seat and sat down. I sat near a boy to my right and two girls one behind me and the other in front of me, with the wall on my left. The teacher had walked into the room and clapped her hands in a pattern and the others followed suit.

Girl: Mrs Claire, she didn't clap her hands.

the girl in front of me had turned around pointing her finger at me.

Mrs Claire: That's because she is out newest student.

I got out of my seat, walking up to the front of the class and stood beside Claire. she bad blonde hair with chocolate eyes and wore a yellow spring dress.

Mrs Claire: Everyone this is Eve Devitt.

Class: Hi Eve

I chose to stay quiet and headed back to my desk. The day had begun, and it was boring, some of the students got in trouble because they wouldn't share.

Mrs Claire: OK class, what's 1+1

Class: 2

Mrs Claire: 2+2

Class: 4

Mrs Claire: 2+3?

Class: 5

We read books, and mrs claire handed us each a piece of lined paper and began to copy what was down. A loud bell rung, making me jump in my seat a little.

Mrs. Claire: OK class time for lunch.

Everyone got up from there seats and got in a single long line and marched down the hallway turning a corner and into the cafeteria. We got our food and sat down, I sat at a table all to myself, I kind of like it tho way, since I'm new and all.

The playground was big and many kids were playing there, not just us. They had the first graders and second graders along with the third and fourth graders. I didn't want to go and play, mainly because I was afraid i might get hurt, but couldn't resist the swings. My feet dragged across the gravel, as I ran to one of the swings, I smiled from ear to ear when I began to kick my feat out from me slowly beginning to swing.

Giggling and smiling I was swinging much faster now, getting higher in the air, my grip on the chains on the swing loosened, when I heard a voice behind me. I turned around.
"Get off the swing it's mine!" A girl said. I was swinging back and she shoved me off, with a hard push.

Everything was in slow motion, I fellow into the gravel skidding across, heat my on the edge of the wood that boxed in the area of the swing.

Fergal's P.O.V
I was cleaning up Eve's room when my phone started to ring, I checked the number to see it was the school

Fergal: Hello?
Mrs Claire: Mr Devitt, your daughter got hurt badly on the playground, please come quickly.


I shoved my phone into my pocket and slipped on my shoes rushing out the front door. I hoped into my car and sped off quickly to the school.

I pulled into the parking lot to see a little girl getting scolded, and other teacher group together huddled over. I got out of my car and ran over to the scene, to see Eve crying. Above her right eye was a deep gash and blood trickled out, covering that side of her face.

me: what happened!

Mrs Claire: I'm very sorry, one of the third grade girls shoved Eve off the swing.

I squatted down to Eve, tears stained her dusted cheeks.

Eve: I just wanted to swing.

They managed to clean the gash and place a bandaid over it, I picked her up and held her to my chest, calming her down.

Me: Mrs. Claire, I think it's best I home-school Eve, I don't want this to happen again.

Mrs Claire: That'll be great, all we need is for you to sign the papers and get her and account for the online program.

We headed inside into the office, I placed Eve down in one the waiting chairs, then was handed some papers to sign. A quick signature and it was done, I also got Eve account access for the schools online program. We said our goodbyes and got into the car, I helped Eve buckle in then got into drivers seat started the car and drive off.

I looked the rearview mirror to see Eve pouting with her arms crossed.

Me: Eve, you OK?

Eve: I hate school.

Me: Eve, school isn't all that bad, there might be some rotten kids there but it's fun. I'm sorry about what happened sweetheart.

She just looked out the window ignoring me, I had to do something to make it up to her.

Me: We're getting ice cream.

Her head turned to look at me, she has an exciting smile tugging at her lips.

Eve: We're getting ice cream?

Me: Yep.

Eve: Yay!

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