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orange was the color of the crayon i was scribbling with when i got the news.


the name flashed on my phone screen, sending my heart into a flurry.


“hello?” i said, orange excitement bursting with the word. i couldn’t believe you were finally calling.


but, when the voice on the other end wasn’t yours, my heart dropped.


“there’s been an accident,” your mom said.


i could barely make out her words through the sound of her sobs.


she said something about the hospital, and something about blood. and just like that, i was leaving my house.


the orange tail lights of the traffic in front of me reminded me of the orange crayon i had been scribbling with just minutes before.


the crayon i stole from your perfect box.


i knew you’d always loved colors more than you would ever love me.





hey guys its not over yet so like yeah

people thought red was the last chapter but

ha plot twist

colorless ◇ luke hemmings ◇ book oneWhere stories live. Discover now