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white was the color of the daisies i brought to your grave.

a month since you’d left, the pain was still just as fresh.

i traced my finger along the engraving of your name.

kass clark, the girl who i always loved.

wait, no. not loved, love.

i love you.

i placed the white daisies at the head of your freshly dug tomb.

i felt a tear slip from my eye, landing on a perfect green blade of grass.

and with that, i left.



alright here's another short chapter

i will be posting the final two chapters tomorrow and then the epilogue the following day

yay? $? $?!*$(?!#&*!

but don't worry if you like(d) this story I have more in progress that are kinda similar so wahoo

thank you for all the votes and comments they rlly encourage me!!

colorless ◇ luke hemmings ◇ book oneWhere stories live. Discover now