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Violets P.O.V

It's 4:00 and gray is still over. We are honestly having so much fun. I didn't want this moment to end.

"Hey you hungry?" I say and He just looks up at me smirking

"Is that even a question?" He laughs

"I'm gonna go get dressed" I get up from the couch seeing in the corner of my eye that his eyes still are following me as I walk to my room and close the door.

"Hey! Is it okay if Alyssa comes?" He yells.

"Uhh, yeah sure!" I yell back.

I'm not thrilled that she is joining us, but she is my best friends girlfriend, I have to at least tolerate her. I put on black ripped shorts, red and black adidas crop top and white converse.

 I put on black ripped shorts, red and black adidas crop top and white converse

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I put my hair into a messy bun and grab my keys that sat on my dresser. I walked back out into the living room to see him still sitting on his phone texting someone.

"So Nickle diner?" I smirk.

He jumps up "I haven't been there in forever!" He says with excitement.

I pay his chest and giggle "okay guy"
I open my door "where does Alyssa live?"

"She will meet us in the lobby"

"Right...forgot that she lives in the same building." I force a smile and we head down to the lobby.

When we see her, he smiles ear to ear and goes up to her to peck her on the lips.

I guess I'm 3rd wheeling today ...

She fakely smiles at me. "Hi violet...wait...were you two together just now?" She furrows her eyebrows and points at me then him.

Grayson immediately steps in "uh, yeah...we were just hanging know- catching up..." he says very awkwardly. I face palm mentally. Even though we didn't do anything...he said that like something did happen. Which was a little strange.

Graysons P.O.V

Aly didn't look to happy that violet and I were just hanging out by ourselves...but she just has to deal with it because since vi is back im planning on hanging out with her a lot.

"I'll drive" Alyssa says out of nowhere, crossing her arms glaring at me.

"it's okay, I'll - " Violet starts to say

" driving" Alyssa snaps.

Vi just rolls her eyes. "Let's just go" I say, trying to rush things along. Maybe inviting aly wasn't such a good idea.

She is under a lot of pressure since... 2 weeks ago, alyssa had to get an abortion... there was a defect in the condom and we weren't ready to take care of a baby... ethan wants me to tell violet about it and last night Alyssa told me not to. I'm going to stick by Alyssa on this...i can't tell violet that I got my girlfriend would be so awkward.

I Changed My Mind  //  Sequel To "You"Where stories live. Discover now